This is the end, my only friend

--Originally published at Site Title

The final of the Deadline novel is kind of cheese and relax, because before you get at that point all the tension and intrigue just disappear, just as in a final delivery of any projects.

Reading the last chapter reminds me the moments in life when you realize all the struggles and problems you had before, finally they are all gone, since you managed everything to get at that point and that moment is what we call success and happiness.

What I learned through these 320 pages most is to try to look beyond you horizons, learn to hear people and their opinions there is always one good idea, understand them, know them better, how they like to work and which is the best, in a few words put in the shoes of others. Because when people know you care them, you automatically gain their trust and you now that you can count with them.

The Deadline is a really good novel that can put learning and good story together, so if you. like to read or you are a boss, you must read it.

Course Reflection

--Originally published at Project Evaluation and Management

Photo by Louis Bauer in Pexels

Hi Ken, I hope you are doing very well. It has been a heavy semester more than anything due to the pandemic, which has been a very difficult situation, but well we have to continue with the classes and our activities.

This class for me was my favorite. Thank you for bringing us all those guests, from each one, I learned new things and I was able to reinforce others that I already more or less I knew. The personal finance class was one of my favorites since it opened my eyes to a new and unknown world, which I want to know, that is why I will take as a topico, I look for more information and videos on those topics that we touched in class such as how to invest, how to make your retirement plan and above all the vocabulary you learn.

For the project manager part I learned a lot, because not only was the readings but also that the guests explained to you what the real world is like and what problems you may face, it is not only directing a project, it covers many things that for many may go unnoticed but in the end, they matter. As for example communication in a project is important and should not be underestimated, you have to know how to communicate with your client, with your team, and with the other people involved. Because it is not only that the client arrives and tells you what he wants. Also thinking about your team is important so that the project can go out, you cannot enslave them to be working all day, they need a break so they can be productive, they can get sick and it is not easy to be Continue reading "Course Reflection"

Chapter 23 Reflection

--Originally published at Project Evaluation and Management

Chapter 23: Passing Through Riga on the Way Home

Photo by Hamandra & Ektoplazma in Pexels

Mr. T. was dreaming. This was to be his last night in Morovia. The party that evening at the Residence had gone on forever, with a huge, celebratory crowd present. Everyone was there. Frankly, he’d had too much to eat and far too much to drink. That was probably the reason for this dream, in which he saw a swirl of smoke with a light inside and something else there, too.

The journal that had been his companion for the whole adventure was open on h s desk before him. It was turned to page 102, the first blank page. He would have liked to make a final entry, but there was really nothing he could think of that would sum up his Morovian experience.
He turned back one page to see what he’d written in what he now knew would be the last entry.

There was one more thing that wasn’t resolved, and apparently it wasn’t going to be. He hadn’t seen Lahksa since the party last night. She hadn’t turned up at the airport with all the others to see him off and when he had called her, there had been no answer.

He settled dejectedly into his seat in the corporate jet. Seafood was already asleep on the seat beside him, knocked out by his pill. Mr. T. was just strapping himself in when the steward came back to check. Mr. T falls to sleep in the jet and then a voice wake-up him “Mr. Tompkins. Wake up, sir. We’re in Riga.”

Mr. T. looked around. The airport seemed to be in the middle of a wide, pleasant meadow. There were palm trees beside the runway. The driver grunted. He Continue reading "Chapter 23 Reflection"

Chapter 22 Reflection

--Originally published at Project Evaluation and Management

Chapter 22: The year’s hottest IPO

Photo by Oziel Gómez in Pexels

The count down starts on May 24th the QuickerStill B-Team delivered its product, on May 29th the QuickerStill-C delivered and on May 30th the PMill-C delivered. Mr. T was happy because they actually pulled off three deliveries, all before Belok’s dates. Belok had actually committed to the distribution chain for all six products to begin shipping starting tomorrow. June first wasn’t even a sensible stretch goal for any of the larger projects.

A good goal is right on the edge of possible. So, it makes a lousy scheduling date. A good schedule is likely to be met, so it doesn’t make much of a goal. On June 1st, word came that NNL was finally back. Mr. Tompkins was summoned with some urgency to see him. The assistant who had made the appointment seemed almost breathless with excitement. Head Office people tended to get excited when heads were rolling or work was about to be canceled. He took the morning train to Korsach with some trepidation.

As it was during Webster’s first visit those many months ago, NNL’s office was again unlit but for the glow of his mon- itor. Again, it took a moment to locate the man, lost in the huge room. The IPO is scheduled for next week. This is a major coup. The underwriterssay it’s going to be the hottest IPO of the year.

The NNL clamed himself and start to talk with Mr. T. the underwriters inform the NNL that they have to terminate his contract before the offering. That means he gets paid off but has no further obligation to them as of the offering date. For legal reasons, apparently. New management will be after he signs on for another contract.

As soon Continue reading "Chapter 22 Reflection"

Time to conclude

--Originally published at Blog de Célia

During this course I have learnt a lot all the semester. The first thing, and what I find the most important, it is that I have start to work for myself. I have learnt how to work for myself. Thanks to the way we had to give our task (the deadline was flexible), I was happier to do my work. I was written the blog articles when I wanted to and when I had inspiration. Normally, at university you are supposed to work for yourself already but most of the time I do not have the impression, I feel I give something to satisfy the teacher. I feel that the work I was giving to my teacher was more valuable and even more qualitative.

Then, I have learnt to create and feed my personal blog. I was not that excited at the beginning of the semester to write articles in a blog. However, as I said before, with that type of work, I have worked for myself all the semester, I created something valuable for me. After, 4 months of work on this blog, I think I will keep writing on this platform. I have always loved writing (I even have a Mexico Adventures journal for example) but it was always something personal and private and I find it nice finally to share some thought to others. As the first paragraph said, I think what I have learnt the most was to value on work, being proud of it and feel that I finally own my proper work.

Also, what I learned the whole semester was stuff about the project management. In the last part of the semester I kept learning new stuff in the book the Deadline Novel: about teamwork, productivity, positivity at work etc.

During this weird, covid19 Continue reading "Time to conclude"

Mediation is simpler than negotiation

--Originally published at TI2011 – Press enter to continue…

All people have negotiated at least once in our lives, from simple negotiations like trying to get a better bargain. Even in these simple negotiations are hard, trying to persuade the other person to agree to our demands is difficult, even impossible. "negotiations" by hectorhannibal is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND Negotiation involves a discussion … Continue reading Mediation is simpler than negotiation

I am rich

--Originally published at Blog Oliver


In this chapter we finally see some of the projects finishing and before the imposible deadline imposed by Minister Belok. NNL was back and he asked Webster to see him with some urgency. Webster was a little nervous this could mean good or bad news. In the end it was a grateful surprise to Webster. Morovia was going public and the starting price for a share would be around 14 and 22 dollars. In the beginning Webster wasnt surprise until NNL remember him about the shares he earned when he signed for the job. So Webster is now rich. NNL asked  him if he wants to keep working in his job, because they had to renovate the contract because of politics. After thinking a little bit Webster declines the job and he points a person to be his succesor.

We learned that NNL name is Bill maybe related to Bill Gates the owner of Microsoft and xbox. He talks with Webster about finding a new country, maybe the United States, He thanked about Bulgaria, but someone has already bought it.

In the end of the chapter Minister Belok calls Webster by phone. He want to rent most of the building were Webster staff is working and move them to a smaller space. Minister Belok wants adopt a new business strategy called Lean and Mean, this formula is developed in failing companies and goes the opposite direction of Prosperous and Caring. So Webster hangs up, this is the first time we see him facing Minister Belok.

We can see Webster changing and learning about his experiences in Morovia and this chapter is a reflect of that. We see him more self-confident and with more guts.





--Originally published at Blog Oliver

This is the last chapter of the book, in the end everything works well for Webster. Finally its time to leave Morovia.  He managed to finish a few projects and the others are in the right track. Everything is set to his successor.

After a big party we se Webster in his room.  He was thinking about his journal until someone knocked at the door.  Alonso Davici one of the managers was working with the press and he wanted to interview Webster.  Morovia was going to publish a new Journal called Aidrivoli Software Magazine and they wanted to feature Webster in the first issue.  After a few questions Alonso asks Webster if he wrote anything related to what he had learned, this would help so much with the journal. After looking at his journal Webster decides to give ti to Alonso, this surprised me a lot because Lahksa gave him than journal and it represented all what he had faced and learned during his time in Morovia.


The next day before getting on the plane he was thinking about Lahksa he hadnt seen her for a while. She didnt show up to say goodbye. After a few hours he arrives to Bulgary. And Someone bought the country just like Morovia, they also had  a NNL called BNNL. A car arrives and takes Webster to see the National Leader. After he arrives Lahksa surprises him. And we learn that Webster is the new BNNL his team and lahksa gather all the money and shares they had and they bought Bulgaria. Webster also propose marriage to her.

Who knows what new adventures will face Webster.


She is back

--Originally published at Blog Oliver


In this two chapters we meet a new character, Mr. Winnipeg  who is a famous writer who has a lot of books under his name. He ended up in Morovia the same way as Webtster. Lahksa puts something in his drink and he woke up in an airplane landing  in Morovia. Mr Winnipeg helps Webster in two huge problems. The first problem is Webster angry manager in on of his projects. He solves the problem in a strange way. He demotes the manager and offers him to work in a different area. In the beginning I didnt understand this, but then I realize he was scared and I discovered this not because I read it but because I have been in that same position. Fighting to finish a product and being afraid of letting down your team, the guy in charge of all the project and most important yourself, this is pretty scary. So we tend to hide this emotions with anger, because anger is acceptable in a working environment.

The other problem Mr Winnipeg helps to solve is problems with long meeting where people dont get to an agreement and lose time sitting in a place where they are not needed. So he comes with a series of rules and standards in order to boost the efficiency of the meeting for example having an agenda and jus asking the essential personal to assist to those meetings.


In the next chapter wee se Lahksa returning from his long trip with NNL. She is one of my favorite characters so I really liked seeing she come back and being part of the main history again. And she helps Webster with the biggest problem he has faced in all the book, Minister Belok. Who will be in the United States for about Continue reading "She is back"
