Why context is important

--Originally published at Digital Identity-iTec


Absolutely everything that is introduced in the digital world cannot be deleted, even if you own a web site and deleted some stuff or you posted something and deleted it right away there will be someone who took a screenshot of that before you deleted it.

En because of that many things that happens on the internet can be misinterpreted if you don’t know about the context where it was published. Many comments and opinions can be found in the internet but not all of them means exactly what it says because some are answers or feedback that are linked with past discussions and if you do not know about it you can find it weird, out of place or misunderstood it with something unsatisfactory.

The context in a post is really important because you introduce the reader to what you want to talk about and that way he would be able to send you constructive comments or feedback that can enrich the topic and get it to a different level of discussion.




-My trip to Moscow-

--Originally published at JP Blog

About a year ago, I had the great opportunity to visit this beautiful city. A city with glints of cultural richness, social trends and really, SO MANY beautiful girls. Moscow, the capital of the great Russian empire.

The majestic red square was of my favorite places. With an incredible history, including important monuments as Saint Basil’s cathedral, The Kremlin, the GUM factories and one of the top museums in the country. 

In this first picture we can see the beauty of the Saint Basil’s cathedral.  This monument was built between 1555 to 1561, it was ordered by Ivan The Terrible. The history says that the Italian architect who did it, was blinded by Ivan’s army, so that he will not replicate it.rusia-3

Other important building is the GUM Factories. This one has a very interesting history. It was the State department stores during the soviet times. Now the GUM Factories have the presence of important clothes brands, such as Hugo Boss, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, etc. 


We dedicated a whole day to visit the small town of Serguev of Posad. Located 70 Kilometers Northeast of Moscow.  This wonderful town is identified because of it’s beautiful landscapes and the Orthodox Church of St. Sergius. This place serves also as a monk convent, were young Russians start their preparations to become Orthodox priests. 


Last days in Moscow were so exciting. We visited the Arbat Street, the oldest one of Moscow since 15th century. Then we took a look at the famous Bolshoi Theater, best known as the cradle of the best ballet dancers. The Pushkin museum was also a great experience, the biggest museum specialized on Russian art, with more of 560,000 pieces. 

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Bolshoi Theater
Victory Plaza


At last, we travelled several times in the Moscow Metro, never seen something so classy. As you can see in the picture above, all this classy designs are found in every single station in the Metro.  

Hope I can convince you with this written to visit Moscow, a city that has so many things to offer. 

Day 4

--Originally published at Juan Pablo Hallal

29 / September / 2016

On Day 4 we started commenting on other blogs. We read about some modules that could be used as tools on our blogs.

We selected some photos and videos of what we like to do the most; so that we could use them for the session on Day 5 with Diego Zavala.

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Later, we had guest speaker Maha Bali talking about critical digital citizenship.

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Maha Bali


--Originally published at HEYIT'SDANY

El cuarto día de la Semana I, debo decir que esta semana ha pasado bastante rápida. Creo que hoy ha sido el día que más me ha gustado de la semana, por todo lo que hemos hecho. Primero que nada me compré un café para sobrevivir al aire acondicionado del auditorio y relajarme. Ken, al igual que los demás días, nos dio la instrucción de leer los blogs de nuestros compañeros y dejar uno que otro comentario. Yo leí varios y la verdad hubo algunos que me gustaron bastante y que me tomé la libertad de comentar en estos. Me gustaría checar los blogs de todos los que están en el curso pero sería muy tardado y cansado de hacer.

Después cada quien se puso a buscar diferentes herramientas que hicieran más fácil la tarea de bloggear. Las que yo encontré y ya conocía están muy muy padres, son las siguientes:

  1. Lightroom


Este programa es excelente para la edición de fotografías. Es una herramienta en la que puedes cambiar los settings de tus fotografías: el color, la exposición, los filtros, etc.

2. Piktochart


Piktochart es una de mis herramientas favoritas para crear imágenes, infografías y presentaciones. Aunque el sitio sea para eso, se pueden hacer cosas ilimitadas. Se puede organizar la información de forma que se vea bonita y ad hoc.

Además de estas dos herramientas, encontré un post que contiene 100 páginas para ayudar a los bloggers. Está muy completo y creo que tiene páginas muy buenas. ¡Denle un vistazo!


La segunda actividad del día fue salir a grabar cosas que nos gustan e interesen. Al principio no sabía qué grabar pero al pensar un poquito más, me di cuenta de que hay muchas cosas a mi al rededor que me gustan y disfruto ver todos los días. Me gustó mucho esta actividad porque soy una persona muy creativa y me gusta mucho producir videos (soy comunicóloga jaja).



Day 4

--Originally published at Untitled.


Today we followed to do a simple activity where we had to comment on 5 blogs of the class. Then, Ken showed us how to use some new tools and resources. For this, I chose a module from http://dgst101.net/ and read one about Trolling because I thought it was fun. Also, I found a really useful resource: StoryMapJS. Maybe it not that useful for blogging but I think this would be useful for me because I have one class where I need to hand in maps about the content. Today I learned how to use Giphy too.

Secondly, we went on a Video Safari around the campus.

11:30 – Break time.

Today’s guest speaker: Maha Bali

And well, that was Day 4.




How good is to depend on Social Networks?

--Originally published at JP Blog


According to Colombian newspaper “La Semana”, there are more than 2.000 millions of active users on Facebook worldwide. Of this number, 72% use the social network for; News, gossip and conversations. 5 to 10% of the users can not control their addiction to this social network and they can be hours and hours on it. This causes an addiction and mental problems. 

Susan Greenfield explains that addiction on social media reduces the “white matter” in regions where the emotions are controlled, the decision making process and the memory of the brain.

blog-3-2Hernani Aquino, social communicator that works for Mexican news portal “El Universal” has also described the addict use of social media as a gap between the relations and bounds with the family. He explains that kids start to use social media between 10 or 11 years, as a “escape” of their families because they think they can find more liberty on the social networks.        

As conclusion of this two different opinions, is for sure that social media has changed a lot the way people communicate. I really think that we have to be smart on how we handle the social networks. EVERYTHING we do with excess is bad, so we have to take the positive things for our own good. 


Paris? Bien sûr!

--Originally published at arantza's blog

Paris, France. Have you ever been there? If you have, good for you! If you haven’t, you must go. So you ask, what am I going to do while I’m there? There’s plenty of activities you can do. I recommend these 10:

  1. Take the ferry and sail along the Seine. 613985
  2. Visit the Sacré Cœur Basilica.sacred-heart-basilica-of-the-sacred-heart-monument-53573
  3. Explore the Musée du Louvre.pexels-photo-70303
  4. Have a tour at Versailles.chateau-versailles-cour-royale-de-marbre
  5. Visit Notre Dame.pexels-photo-71177
  6. Walk through the Champs Elysées.Champs_Elysees_Grande_Roue_p1040788.jpg
  7. Visit the Musée d’Orsay.musee-dorsay-paris
  8. Walk beneath the Arc de Triomphe. 5be93a3d5be7f419fa830a1c8f6de133
  9. Go to Disney World. disneyland-paris
  10. And of course, visit the Tour Eiffel! You can have a picnic there and you must eat a crêpe!!!150529-paris-eiffel-tower-mn-0830_909b8a284fda0d891f0e6eb48f81457e-nbcnews-ux-2880-1000If you guys want to see more pictures of Paris and France, or want to know what else you can visit or even what to eat, you can visit my Pinterest ! (Follow me! By the way, there are a lot of pictures about random stuff, but from France, so it’s okay).tumblr_ntuc0mudgu1sg7jo9o1_500