About the WSQ#04

This was a very, very simple assigment, although I’m currently having problems with my internet provider and have an astounding 0.3-1.6 mbps connection (of my paid 25…) it’s getting pretty hard to load any damn website, but I made it and may I say, SCHOOL SUCKS. The system sucks, the government sucks, everything around sucks, PERIOD.

Those concepts of flipped learning, the letters from the concerned students, do you need more evidence? It’s pretty obvious that the way schools have been working for decades are no longer working, we live in an increasingly difficult and shitty society where you have to at least have that little stupid paper that states “You have finished school with X and Y grades, that makes you a (insert field of study here)”. That’s bullshit. Grades aren’t everything, grades don’t make you an engineer, or a doctor, a lawyer, or anything, there’s people who quit school and are earning millions and millions of dollars because they excelled at something and they took a chance to tweak life a little, and with that amount of vision and expertise on whatever they are good for, they are now at the top of the world.


You have guys like Zuckerberg, Jobs (RIP), Gates, and many more, some of them don’t even have a high school diploma, but they learned, they learned with friends, from one or two teachers that really got to know them, their strenghts and weaknesses. That is exactly what we need, a more individually focused education, otherwise, you’re just wasting time on tedious lectures that bore even the teachers sometimes, we gotta do things differently.

But there, there is the main issue, how do you change the system? Well, you can’t. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Sadly, it is


society, the stablished rules of the game, and you can’t even dare to challenge them or you’ll be eaten alive and become the next turd of a bureaucrat.

I like this methodology Ken is using, having us to search and get the info we need to write the codes and strive to get better, by ourselves, that’s all we need, no pressure, no deadlines, just, do your work when you feel like it, but DO IT.




Or become a Pokemon master, either choice is fine.

That’s all for the moment. Thank you for reading.

“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda



CC BY-SA 4.0 About the WSQ#04 by JulesMD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.