Catching up.

Well hello! We meet again. So, after a rough past week (breaking up with my girlfriend of almost 2 years and 2 mid-partials)… I’m starting to feel a lil bit better so here we are, I’m way behind on assigments but luckily there’s no deadline. I will probably write about feelings in some future post, I don’t care, I can write whatever the fuck I want, right?

So, moving onto important matters, I looked up some codes from my friends to get some idea how to write de #WSQ03 Fun with numbers, and after seeing different methods, seems I took a bit of all worlds. Here’s my work:

The code, written in Atom:

wsq03 code

The executable on Cygwin:

wsq03 exe

That’s it, I had to search St. Google for how to get the remainder, found out it’s the same as in C#, which I took last semester, using Visual Studio.

Now what? I still got a lot to do and read, and feelings-wise, as I heard somewhere I don’t really remember: “Going up shit creek without a paddle.”

This is goodbye for now. Just to leave you with another quote I like:

“Stay hungy, stay foolish” – Steve Jobs

CC BY-SA 4.0 Catching up. by JulesMD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.