Flipped learning WSQ04

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Hello my friends!! Today I´m going to talk about a little bit about flipped learning and what I think about it.

First of all, the flipped learning (as the name suggest) is different than the usual method of learning, in the flipped learning method you don’t have pressure and you have to learn by yourself, the pressure is as much as you want, I will leave some videos and links with more information:




In my opinion (and experience) I think is a good method, in fact I think is better than the usual method, but you need to be very responsable, because the teacher won’t teach you, yeah probably the teacher will help when you don’t understand, but the flipped learning is learning by your self, that is ok, I guess.

Fun with numbers WSQ03

Hello everyone!! This WSQ was simple, all about variables, the task is to ask the user for two integer numbers and calculate the following instructions:

  • The difference of the two numbers.
  • The product of the two numbers.
  • The integer based division of the two numbers (so no decimal point). First divided by second.
  • The remainder of integer division of the two numbers.

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-09 a las 1.46.10 p.m.

If you search in youtube or google, you can find various examples about this, most of them are in english, but are very helpful, I will leave some ones here.

This one is in English http://www.lynda.com/C-tutorials/Defining-variables/182674/366529-4.html.

As always, the link for my code in GitHub


WSQ04 – Flipped Learning

In this course we are experimenting with a new way of learning. It is called “Flipped Learning Classroom”, it is basically to learn at home and ask the question that we have about it the next day at class.

Also we are experimenting something called #AbolishGrades, this is great because we are having a class without grades and it is good because is less pressure for the students and we can be relaxed during the class more easily.

I think this method of learning is good in the way that we need to investigate to solve the problems that the teacher gave to us but also if we have some problems with them or if i don´t know to solve it i can ask to the teacher and he can tell how to solve my problem; but i also think in a traditional classroom i can learn a little more cause the teacher is also teaching during the class time and maybe i can find ways to solve my problem faster with that.

I like the thing that i don’t feel pressure because i can learn at my own pace.



En esta ocasión realice un programa que se encarga de convertir los grados fahrenheit a celsius además de que el programa te puede decir si el agua hierve a esa temperatura para realizar este código utilizamos la sentencia if else que sirve para decirle al programa si ejecutar una acción u otra, esto ayuda para decirle al programa que si la temperatura no es mayor a 100 grados celsius el agua no hierve.

Este enlace me ayudaron mucho a conocer el punto de ebullición del agua.

Y este enlace de aquí me ayudo a interpretar el if else para python.

Aqui está mi código fuente:

 print(“Temperature “)
print(“Este programa convierte los grados fahrenheit a celsius y te dice si el agua                hierve a esa temperatura”)
 print(“Por favor dame los grados fahrenheit que quieres convertir”)
celsius = 5 * (fahrenheit – 32) / 9
print(“Una temperatura de”, fahrenheit, “grados Fahrenheit es de”, int(celsius), ”              grados Celsius”)
if (celsius>=100):
          print(“El agua hierve a esa temperatura en condiciones tipicas”)
         print(“El agua no hierve a esa temperatura en condiciones tipicas”)

También se puede encontrar el código en Github



“Fun With Numbers”

Esta vez tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con las operaciones aritméticas elementales y sus respectivas implicaciones aprendí sobre algunos nuevos comandos para trabajar en python. La info. la encontré aquí

“n”: Sirve para dar salto de linea al correr el código.

round:  Que se expresa como  round(número, cantidad de espacios decimales) sirve para redondear un resultado a la cantidad de dígitos decimales que se desee.

Cambien me encontré que en python tenemos: números enteros,  números decimales (de punto flotante) y números complejos.
Los números enteros representan todos los números “Enteros” (positivos y negativos), ejemplo: 1, 0, -5 (Tipo de dato int)
Los números decimales son todos los números que contiene dígitos después de un punto decimal,ejemplo: 1.0 , -6.5, etc (tipo de dato Float).

Esta página fue de mucha ayuda

Aquí está mi código fuente:

print(“Fun With Numbers “)
print(“Este programa te ayuda a hacer la suma resta multiplicación división y residuo        de 2 números n”)
print(“Necesito 2 números enteros, por favor dame el primero”)
print(“Dame tu segundo número”)
print(“La suma de”,numero1,“+”,numero2,“es:”, numero1 + numero2)
print(“La resta de”,numero1,“-“,numero2,“es:”, numero1 – numero2)
print(“La multiplicación de”,numero1,“x”,numero2,“es:”, numero1 * numero2)
print(“La división de”,numero1,“/”,numero2,”es:”, round(numero1 / numero2,2))
print(“El residuo de”,numero1,“/”, numero2, “es:”, numero1 % numero2)

Se puede ver también en github


Este libro también me resulto de mucha ayuda para comprender los tipos de Datos.

Arturo Fernández Montoro. (Junio 2012). Python 3 Al Descubierto. Pitágoras 1139, Col del Valle, México DF.: Alfaomega.


Get Coding WSQ01

Well I already got all the stuff I should have for my self learning and the course, so here are some screen shots to probe it. I use Mac and my text editor of preference is Atom, I haven’t try a better one, its very intuitive with the colors, and very easy to understand, so for beginners I think is perfect.

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-22 a las 9.57.13 p.m.

Probably you need to download Xcode from the App Store in your mac or the official web from Apple (this is the link for the Apple website https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) but it takes a ton of space in your hard rive so another solution is this creepy stuff Homebrew, I have no idea how it works because I downloaded Xcode, both are free.

And Finally to compile the code you will use the terminal in your mac, just search in finder for the terminal, obviously all this things are gonna change with windows users (only Atom will work too because is multiplataform), so for windows you should checkout my friend blog; Valeria’s blog probably she’s going to explain the windows  process in the near feature. Captura de pantalla 2016-01-22 a las 10.13.17 p.m..png