How to prevent e-mail viruses?

--Originally published at Computer and Information Security

Hello reader, today’s topic is about e-mail viruses. We all have been in the wrong position where you download a file or something sent through the mail, and never check if the sender is a real one or check if the file has a proper extension depending on the type of file you were supposed to receive (For example: a text file should end in .txt a pdf in .pdf, etc.) but many people doesn’t check about that and just double click the downloaded file, which ends in another zombie computer infected with viruses like trojans or worms, which keep reproducing and propagating through the home or any network to other devices.

So, in order to at least prevent that you get infected with any virus, you first should evaluate the mail sender, check if the mail that is sending you a mail is valid and track it. So, I recommend you to use this tool, in order to check an e-mail:

It gives you metadata (important and detailed information) of the e-mail, that tells you from where it was sent, servers, validation of the records and a score of reputation.

For example, here is the score it gave me of some mails and data from the server of the fake account:



After you check a mail validation and the score is almost trustworthy, you should Google the e-mail addres to re-validate.

And one last thing, never, ever, click links inside a mail. If your guts tell you that it might be a phising or a scam, it is probably one.

See you on the next post!!!