WSQ2: Computing Ethics

Your Task

You can (and should) do this work in pairs but each student should publish on their own blog AND include the names of both authors (or if publishing anonymously just link to your partner’s blog post).

Write a blog post about code of ethics. You can and should reference other resources (we shared some in our #tc2027 Slack channel). You can make a mashup of these or choose your favourite parts.


Go take photos for each of your statements in the code of ethics. Use your own photos and place them somewhere such that you can claim full copyright or release under a Creative Commons License. I’m a fan of using Flickr for this but there are many other options.

Due Date

As everything we are flexible on dates but I would expect this to be done for Group 1 THIS week and group 63 (i-semester students) during week 5 of the semester (we are currently in week 3).

Feature Image Credit

Picture of graffiti which says "ethics!"
ethics! flickr photo by amk713 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license


WSQ1: Introduction and ACI

Introduction to Computer and Information Security

Watch these videos and then  please find your resources. I highly recommend that you follow Bruce Schneier, Brian Krebs and others in the security field.

Availability, Confidentiality, and Integrity

Three key concepts here in computing security in availability, confidentiality, and integrity. Watch this video but you want to dive much deeper on this over the semester.

Your assignment should you choose to accept it

Research on your own about availability, confidentiality, and integrity and write a blog post (include your references, images, videos) about your thoughts on the topic as it stands now.

Bonus Video with Maggie

Maggie Jauregui graduated from our program a few years ago. This is her presentation at DEF CON 22. We had the privilege to have Maggie join us last year in a Google Hangout with the course and perhaps we can do that again this year.

Featured Image Credit

closeup picture of someone chewing the erasure of a pencil labeled "Integrity #2"
Integrity #2 flickr photo by Nat20_Film shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license