Release of a personal experience “hacking” famous site

--Originally published at Renato Gutiérrez Blog

Hi, how are you?

I write this post to share with you the release of my personal experience “hacking”; as a curious action due to my Software Engineer instinct, a site commonly used by teenagers that are searching for a roommate to share with. I had shared a preview of it in a post some weeks ago (here), I forgot to mention that this experience is focused on the ethical perspective of a Software Engineer of “what to do” in the scenarios where you have the ability and access to restricted or sensitive information. I had titled this document as “Tengo el poder, ¿que hago?, which means “I have the power, what do I do?

Here is the document, hope you liked and try to take the correct action when you face this kind of situations.

Document (Spanish Version): Tengo el poder, ¿que hago?

Nor is Computer Security exempt from ethical dilemmas

--Originally published at Renato Gutiérrez Blog

I recently had the need to look for a roomie to share experiences during my last term in college, because of this I went on a search to find my ideal roomies, so I enrolled in a couple of specialized pages to find roomies.

Everything was fine, until “oh surprise”, my nerd instincts led me to find; without much effort, personal information of about 345 people; among his information that I can visualize is his full name, profile photo, telephone number, home address.

I immediately deleted my account from that particular site, for obvious reasons, I would not want my personal information to be public.

Due to this surprising real case, I decided to write a little more about it through a small essay, which I try to focus on the ethical issue of this case, which I titled “I have the power, what do I do?”

Here are some censored screenshots of this case:

Captura de pantalla 2017-08-24 a la(s) 08.10.16



The available actions:

  • Contact the company about the issue
  • Sell the information
  • Create a solution for that public to help find their needs

What would you do?

Currently developing to finish the last points, if you are interested in knowing a little more about this case I invite you to read it; note: this document is written in Spanish.

Tengo el poder, ¿que hago?

An interesting video of searching a roommate: