Wilson’s Modern Life

--Originally published at TI2011 – Luis Wilson

I know I said in the first “partial exam” that I would try to do these blogs one-per-week and here we are. Every activity on the second partial was done in two consecutive Saturdays, except for the exam.

And this is me writing the second exam less than a week away from having to deliver the final one. I never thought I’d become the kind of person that did everything at the end.

It’s not that I procrastinate, I mean I do, but I’m not not doing anything: work consumes a lot of time and energy (I actually need to fix that), so everything school-related is reserved for the weekends.

Tired Cat Sleeping On A Bookshelf

I am very tired, but I recognize it’s my fault: my crap time-management, my obsession with everything and not being able to let things go, and some quarantine sprinkled on top.

Though, I learned that I can use much less time for school and still do well. If I didn’t work, I’d have so much free time theoretically. I say theoretically, because I’d probably not use my time as well (relatively), but everything wouldn’t feel as tight, I’d get some proper rest, and have an actual life besides school and work.

I know I’m always complaining about this, but it has become the center of everything and I worry about it. I worry about my back (my actual spine), my sight, my weight, how I basically just brush-off every ounce of attention my parents try to give to me because, in my mind, there is no time for any of that and I don’t care enough about it. My outputs as a student and junior engineer (I guess?) are what make me a person and I am nothing without those.

I Continue reading "Wilson’s Modern Life"

Final Exam

--Originally published at Erick learning experience

During this course I have learned a variety of things, during this last two partials I learned a lot of things that only the experience can teach you, one of them are the importance of making a list of contacts and be connected to people, this is one of my weaknesses because I like to do almost everything alone and I don’t have experience in working on teams, I think one of the principal reasons I don’t like to work in teams is because I have to spend a lot of time making sure everyone knows what they have to do and in occasions the members of the team disappear and I have to make everything alone with the time remaining instead of doing it alone from the beginning.

Another thing I learned is the importance of starting working during the career and not just wait until I finish my studies, this because first it helps to know what I want to do while at the same time I gain experience and it can help in the future to get a job or to solve problems I already had in last works.

Talking a little about the peculiarity of this semester of the transition of taking classes physically to take classes online was very challenging for some students and schools, that’s because in my opinion people in Mexico are used to work face-to-face with others and they get distracted easily if they work from home, but that instead of see it like a problem you can see it as a challenge because you should perform the same and have to control yourself doesn’t matter where you are.

In my case the Covid-19 is a challenge in terms of economy because all the income we have now was very reduced thanks

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Final Exam Reflection

--Originally published at Coder Bebop

I would have loved doing something different for this reflection to go out with a bang, but I fail to understand how some of my classmates, mostly those with higher grades than I do, have enough time to even make a half-hour video for a reflection. I would have liked to write a song and maybe play a guitar, but I would very much rather be finishing my other works on time. I simply do not have the mental agility of greater people. I wish I had. I have always been slow. That is why I sometimes feel afraid I will not move as quick as I should when the crisis hits (which I am certain will). I am unsure if I will be able to get a summer job, or if learning something new will be of any use for the post-covid world, one can only close his eyes and expect the best.

For what I can see, at least in Mexico, we are getting closer each day to becoming a Venezuela 2.0, and it is just so sad. This was such a promising country, but little by little, these corrupt a*****s chipped it piece by piece. It all starts with a spark, and ends with a wildfire. And it is what saddens me the most still, all it takes is one uneducated person to raise even more uneducated people and ruin everything for everyone else. I have wanted to work in some software company for a long time, but I feel my grade, both of knowledge and academically, do not look as bright as some of my classmates. I try to act tough all the time and find a way out of bad situations all the time, but how long will I get to do that before Continue reading "Final Exam Reflection"

Deadline review, part XXII

--Originally published at TI2011 – FABIAN'S GEEK STUFF

Hello everyone, and welcome back int this section that we can review my and our if you like, of the Deadline novel, not that much to see but enough to get to know some things about management and teamwork. This is the part when I tell you. Or the story tells you that the protagonist... Continue Reading →

Deadline review, part XX & XI

--Originally published at TI2011 – FABIAN'S GEEK STUFF

Follow up into the deadline review, on this entry many things that could change Mr. T life take effect and could mean anything to what happen next... This is another day on the "normal" life of Mr Tompkins, this could be as any classic episode where you discover something new and dark of your character.... Continue Reading →

Deadline review XIX

--Originally published at TI2011 – FABIAN'S GEEK STUFF

Hello there, and welcome back to this section that I like to write and call reviews of knowledge that have changed my life. As annoying as appear they keep talking about team, and specifically how they are made and specifically for what the project or teammates that can contribute to ot. Many times the design... Continue Reading →

Improving project development

--Originally published at TI2011 – Press enter to continue…

Every software developer is always said to be learning; every day, there are new technologies, new methodologies, modern standards. But in this continuous learning, there are tons of certifications to demonstrate our ability on a matter with a really good-looking paper. These certifications imply that a minimum effort is taken from some other priority is … Continue reading Improving project development

Project Evaluation and Management, Second Partial

--Originally published at Project Evaluation and Management Blog

If I had to describe this semester in one word: Unexpected.

This second partial has been very different to the start of the semester, with the global pandemic online classes were exiting at first, but now I know for sure I miss physical classes. There is something about the face to face interactions with everyone that even though I am enjoying a lot of time with my family in Tepic, man do I miss Guadalajara.

The one thing I have enjoyed the most from this partial is all the speakers that have got us a taste of how the real world looks like and a whole lot of things about project management I found very useful.

To be honest I am already using lots of guidance I have received from them in my projects. Little things like keep track of the first days of your project, as that is where you throw away time the most, or keep communications as clear as possible with your team, the more clear it is the more efficient everyone will be.

But I am also getting awesome spoilers like the importance of having lawyers beside you and the importance of protecting the programming team from all the politics money brings, programmers shouldn’t deal with all of those things, the main objective of a project manager is to get everyone the tasks they are the best and most passionate at.

Something I have learned is that it doesn’t matter if I’m never a project manager, the skills I have learned from this course are still going to be very useful, because as the book says, project management is people management, and we all deal with people, whether they are our work partners or our boss people skills and leadership skills are important.

Last big lesson, Continue reading "Project Evaluation and Management, Second Partial"

Errors Errors Errors

--Originally published at Blog Oliver

tenor (1)

In these chapter we see Webster meeting a new character which in my opinion is one of the most interesting persons in the book. Maestro Diyeniar who is an expert resolving conflict, he used to be a teacher in kindergarten, so he had to deal with a lot of stressful situations and conflicts thats why they call him Maestro.

Along these three chapter Webster main focus is in understanding conflict and how to deal with it. We come across different reflections, but the most important thing is mediation. Mediation is easier than negotiation, because everyone wants to preserve their win conditions. Thats why people must understand they are on the same side and the conflict is in the other side.

A month has passed and we see staff members have different opinions about Diyeniar, some think he talks too much but others really like to be around him. Diyeniar have histories and songs for days. Webster main concern is that people are wasting hours in lunch time listening to him. So he arranged time to eat with him. Webster is shocked about how much histories Diyeniar know, I mean after two hours of telling histories Diyeniar forgets about eating his swandich and Webster had to tell a story of his own to let him eat. In the end of the chapter we see Webster trying to solve a problem between two members of a team. He fails, so we learn that we need a mediator with the same power as both parts with no specific interests.


In the interlude Webster feels guilty because of all the lies he has been telling to Minister Belok, Belinda has one of the best idead so far. Close all projects and give a 3 day full vacation to all team and staff members, Webster Continue reading "Errors Errors Errors"

Chapter 23

--Originally published at Erick learning experience

They mentioned again the importance of a goal and estimates in a project, so in this way you can motivate your people but without too much pressure and stress, because as we saw in last chapters people don’t think faster with more pressure and in my opinion sometimes is even worse work with a lot of pressure because you can make more mistakes.

Another thing I consider important on this chapter was all the lessons that Mr. T learned through all his projects and the importance of having a journal to share your learning with someone else and in case you want to make some reflections about something this journal can help you and I like how Mr. T share his knowledge without anything in change, some people would be very selfish about this and keep this knowledge to themselves but in my opinion is better to share what you have learned because thanks to that you can help to other people improve what you have done and crate a better way of doing things and learned even more about the people you teach.

And in conclusion of all the novel I like how they make the story interesting and at the end of each chapter the novel has a little summary of what Mr. T learned in each chapter, I believe that is a very good way of making someone to do not forget to easily the lesson of each chapter, first because you see the problems they were facing through all the chapter and how they solved it and then at the end of the chapter was a little summary to reinforce all the knowledge of the chapter.
