Class Review

Hello everyone that normally follows my blogs, I know that I took longer than expected this time. I have just been bad at managing my time lately, I have to work more on that. Well in this blog I’m gonna be talking about ken’s course and this new method of LEARNING not teaching. Let me just start off by saying that I loved it and I wish more everybody else was doing it too. Of course not exactly the same because every course needs it’s own special way. I mean programming at this level is something that you can pretty much do by yourself but physics, math and chemistry maybe is so easy. For example the video below is a perfect demonstration on what ken’s doing with us in his class. It is not exactly the same but it is very very similar. I guess the big difference would be that he does give us any specific video to watch, he just expects us to learn at home but during class he is always there to help, so that part is the same.

I was skeptical about this course at first I even went to see ken at his office to tell him that I was a bit worried about how things were gonna go. He told it would be fine and I guess I trusted him. Even though ken didn’t really lecture us on anything rather than asked us to make new programs and to find out how to do them on our own, I learned so much about programming and social networking. I used to hate asking anybody, other than the teacher, for help. Now I see that it is even better to learn with your classmates instead of by yourself. Now before I talk about the things

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Hey guys it has been a while since the last time that I published anything but I came back to show you guys some cool thing that I have been building for some time now. It isn’t perfect yet but it is a working prototype. Basically what I’m trying to do is build a security system for cars. In the market they are called immobilizers but they ara kind of expensive so I’m made this much more economic one.

So in the video you will see two circuits, one is the transmitter and the other is the receiver. Each circuit consists of 3 parts. In the transmitter circuit we have: an encoder (HT12E), a PIC 16F628A and a radio frequency transmitter. In the receiving circuit we have: a decoder (HT12D), a PIC 16F628A and a radio frequency receiver.

I made of a pattern of numbers that i choose at the beginning of the program. The two circuits work as a pair and if any of them fail then the whole system fails. The flow of information goes like this: first the PIC from the transmitter sends in a loop information to the encoder (HT12E) and then the encoder encrypts the information to then send it to the radio frequency transmitter. After that the radio frequency receiver intercepts it and sends the data to the decoder (HT12D), this decoder deciphers the information and sends it to the PIC on the receiving circuit. If all the information is correct then the pick activates a relay which finally activates the fan. Remember that the fan is just there for demonstration. It can be replaced with anything that needs 12 volts.Capture1.JPG

Capture2Here is a screenshot of my code. The first image shows the code for the first pic which is on the the transmitter


Flipped learning!

Hey there, this is my last post of the course. I may go back sometime with this wordpress to make a record of my progress in programming. But lets get back to the main part. What are my thoughts about flipped learning. Sorry if I didn’t post a video of me talking, I really hate being in front of the cameras. But I will post every single thing that I like and the other thing that I dislike about flipped Learning. Because like everything, there is no perfection.

What are the pros of flipped learning, at least from my point of view. There is a lot of thing that ordinary grading or “teaching” had mistaken. The way that today schools grade students, are actually wrong. Because they grade the ability to remember thing for short periods of time, not actually the ability of the student to make solutions to the problems that he is put to. So the pros of this style of learning is that the teacher actually don’t teach some subject, it presents you with a problem or idea that you will need to develop, this way you can research for way to make it done. So this is more like the real world, outside the school. When a job needs to be done, you look for solutions, you don’t wait for someone with experience make the work for you. You need to fix or creat thing by yourself. Other thing that breaks the learning process, are the grades, that are dictated by the task you supposed to do. It doesn’t matter if you don’t learn anything from it. The point is just show the teacher that you did it. But with flipped learning you are actually showing the person in charge that you learn something and you


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Exam2 WSQ13

Photograph credit

Hey guys, in this blog, well actually this tutorial I’m gonna explain just one of the ways that you can do the programs for our second partial exam with ken. The video is pretty long so I included in the video description the time at which I start explaining each program.

q1.cpp 0:38        q2.cpp 6:00        q3.cpp 10:00       q4.cpp 16:20

Here is the code for each one:





And of course here is the video tutorial, enjoy (I hope).

made by: Orlando Lara

#WSQ13 #TC101

How to install nurses on a Mac

Photograph Credit

Hey guys, It’s me again. This time I didn’t specifically come to show you how to make a program. I know lots of you guys are going to make a game for the project in Ken’s class. Well if you have a mac then you will need a library called “ncurses” so you can move the cursor around the screen. That’s what this blog is for. The link for the code you have to copy on your terminal to get ncurses is this one: ncurses. And in my tutorial I also showed some code on how to print stuff in different parts of the screen(with coordinates). Well the guy on youtube that taught me how to do that is this one:

Be sure to check out his other videos, they are pretty good. He even has a tutorial on how to make the snake game in c++ using ncurses. And last but not least, here is my code. I know it’s very simple but whatever here it is: Move.cpp

Made by Orlando Lara

⁄⁄⁄Quiz 1⁄⁄⁄

Photograph credit

Well quiz 1 really woke us up didn’t it? We had to do three programs in one quiz. This time is different from my previous posts. Usually I give a link to my original, more complex code and a link to a simpler code that gets the job done. This time I’m not gonna make a tutorial but rather explain how my programs work and why they work.

The first one is to calculate the volume of a cylinder, the second is to do a program similar to WSQ03 using type int and the last one was the same as the second one expect using type float.





Here is the quiz(I got it from ALEXHFOO‘s BLOG): captura-de-pantalla-2016-02-09-a-las-11-50-01

And now for the explanation on how these programs work.

Made by Orlando Lara


Flipped Learning


Ok ok, I know I’m a little late… well, very late to be posting this WSQ, but the point is to do it and learn while doing it right? There are no due dates 🙂 . After watching the video a I got a little excited. That seriously looks like a better way of learning. The Tec should apply that method of watching the lesson at home and then solving questions in class. I think there is a a bright future ahead with learning processes. In ken’s class it might seem like he isn’t teaching you anything but in fact he is doing just what he needs to do. I have learned so much in his class even though he only gave us one lecture (the first day of class), it’s surprising.

From the three links that ken gave us, I think the one that I liked the most was this one An A+ student regrets his grades because what he says is so true. I don’t want to brag but over the years I too have gotten good grades and to be honest I don’t remember a lot of the things that I saw in previous classes. Lets be straight you don’t  need to be smart to get good grades, you don’t need to know the information. All you need is some imagination and “maña” to get into your professors head. I personally hate History class and believe I got good grades in that class but I hardly remember even who Benito Juarez is. I don’t even remember what I did to ace that class.

On the other hand there is science. I love science, I kind of a nerd because I remember studying math and chemistry all by myself when I was little. The first semester at the

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