

This post is about witch code editor you should use, where and how to download it and how to use it.

Well, I start coding with Code Blocks, it is easy to use but it crashes all the time. I remember that almost all the time I was coding and suddenly it closes, and obviously I lost all my work I did not save. So Code Block sucks, it is shit, use another one. In my opinion Atom is a very simple and good code editor, and the most important thing it is that it never crashes. And also atom is very cool, you feel like a really good nerd geek programer, because you use Atom and your terminal for programing. You look like you really know what you are doing, like a pro even though you do not know a shit.

Here you can download atom: https://atom.io

Here you can see how it works and will help you to use it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVrOU-yi5Jg

If you need help contact me: manuelch96@hotmail.com


Well, this problem was also too easy to solve. It is practically the same we did in the “Hello World” program , just with few changes, witch are making some math and printing the results. At first I did not know what to do because I did not understand the problem, I thought it was asking for something else. But then I saw the post of other students and I got it. I solve the problem in a different way, everybody solved it using printf, instead of cout and cin. What i did is pretty simple, I just declare some variables where I stored the value of the two given numbers and the others I used it to store the results. Then what I did was just print the result of each operation.

Here is the link where you can find my source code, feel free of making changes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/38bcu6bgeaozoi8/fun.cpp?dl=0

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-29 a las 12.45.29 a.m..pngimagen thanks

#WSQ05 Temperature

Here´s my code in GitHub

I´ve done my last posts using “PrintF” and “ScanF” commands but i found necessary to change them into “cout” and “cin” i used my friend´s blog as a reference to try them.

Here´s a screenshot of how my code ended


I´ve already knew the convertion formula to Farenheit to Celsius so thtat help me out a little bit.

Here´s a quick view of how the program works


This is getting easier and easier while im working on it.


Solving this problem was a piece of cake. It is very basic thing, you just have to print the phrase of “Hello World”, in this case I add my name, but is the same thing. As you see in the image, you just have to wright cout <<“Hello World, I´m Manuel Chavez.”;  and it would print it when you run it (the cout<<endl; it is just for skipping a line between the phrase you print and the end of the program).

Here it is the link of the source code for you ti try it, feel free and make changes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j2gngrgm35bp9cv/HelloWorld.cpp?dl=0

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-26 a las 11.28.32 a.m.imagen thanks


Well, for this program I did´t got any information of any resources, because I already had one semester of programming class. So now this is really easy for me and not because of my last teacher, because of web pages and help of a friend.

For solving this program I did something really simple, I declare 2 float variables, F and C witch the fist one stands for the value of Fahrenheit degrees and the second stands for the value of the Celsius degrees witch in this problem is the result. In this two variables the values of Fahrenheit and Celsius will be store.The math you have to solve in order to get the result is pretty simple, it is an easy equation c=(5*(F-32))/9. After solving the simple equation, what I did was just printing the result. Then I did a if/else loop for evaluate the result of Celsius degrees, if the Celsius degrees was equal or greater to 100, it should print that water boils at that temperature and if not, if it was less to 100, it should print that water does not boil at that temperature.

Here is the link of the source code for you to run it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/18sr6917hbc82x0/Degrees2.cpp?dl=0

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-26 a las 10.48.27 a.m.imagen thanks

WSQ02 Hello World

We are beginning the first code for ken´s class.
Ken tell us to code a the phrase “Hello World”, this was simply because the only thing you have to do is to print out the word using the command “cout << the phrase that you want to display on screen <<endl;”…
An example…

Hello World

Primer codigo






Thanks for seen my blog see you later!

New blogs that are coming soon…

  • WSQ06 – Pick a Number
  • WSQ05 – Temperature
  • WSQ04 – Flipped Learning
  • WSQ03 – Fun With Numbers

#WSQ02 HelloWorld!

Soooo last tuesday i finally get to correctly setup my Cygwin terminal. I asked Ken about which editor should i´ve download, told me Atom was the right one sooo i trusted him.


Download Atom is very simple, and its free(important). When you finally complete the process you should find a “Hello Wolrd” C++ program. For that i found this great article about how to do it.



And once you save it(dont forget to add .css to the file name) you must go right to your PC and search for the Cygwin folder, click on it, then the “home” folder and finally a folder named with your user name. Dont touch anything and just paste there your .css file

Open cygwin and write the command “g++” and your file name, the process will last a few moments and then to see if it worked, write the command “ls” and your file name must be there, after that, write “./a.exe” to run your program and vualá! there you go.


After all, i was feeling like this





WSQ01 – Get Coding

Get Coding

flickr photo by Ezu http://flickr.com/photos/ezu/277341190 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license
flickr photo by Ezu http://flickr.com/photos/ezu/277341190 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license

Editor (for all groups)

You will want a nice code editor. This decision is personal but we’ve had good experience with the following but I’m open to other suggestions:

  • Atom from the folks at GitHub
  • Notepad++ (Windows only I believe)
  • Emacs (Ken’s personal favourite)
  • Vim (if I don’t list this here, people will attack me).

TC1014 (Python Group)

Setup your home machine (laptop/desktop/typewriter/stone tablet) to run Python3 (yes version 3 not 2)

I could give you the link but that would be too easy, try looking on the Python.org webpage.

TC1017 (C++ Group)

Setup your home machine (laptop/desktop/typewriter/stone tablet) to run the GNU C++ compiler (g++).

You can do this various ways depending on your platform.

  • For Linux if using Ubuntu, simply install the packages gcc-g++ and make (for now)
  • For Mac, you should be able to do this with command-line tools for XCode or using Homebrew to install
  • For Windows, you probably want to use Cygwin to do this.

Blog about it

As always, write a blog post about your progress and include #wsq01 as a category/tag or even just inside the text of your blogpost to help the FeedWordPress hamsters pull it into the course blog.