The CIA of cybersecurity

--Originally published at Tech and no-tech

We all know the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). But, nowadays, how many of us trust in them? Same as the government, the FBI, etc. Anyways, we are not here to discuss that. When I name the CIA, I do not mean the agency, but the CIA triad.

What is the CIA triad? The CIA Triad is a model designed for information security. CIA stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. It is often referred to as de AIC, to avoid confusion with the agency.


Confidentiality means privacy, to protect your information. Of course we do not want external or unauthorized people or entities to have access to our precious and valuable information. You might be thinking, but I just use my tablet for social networks and watching videos. Oh yes? Remember the time you logged in Google Chrome in your computer? Remember when you did the same in your tablet? Guess what? Yes, they are now sharing information stored in your Google account and Google Chrome preferences, like passwords. And that is just one example.

How can we protect? ENCRYPTION! I will discuss that subject in another post.


Access to information is an issue, but what can be worse than that? Imagine unauthorized people accessing your information and MODIFYING IT! There are some measurements that data itself has to check the integrity, as checksums. This is just to protect information from being consistent and accurate. Imagine making a $100 transaction and someone changing it to $10,000. Or changing it to its own bank account. That would be a disaster, right?


Availability, in the contrary is to make sure that anyone authorized, can access to the information whenever they need. Information is as precious and valuable from us as it is for other people. Imagine that all of a

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How can protection be real if absolute cyber security is not real? #JadenSmith

--Originally published at Tech and no-tech

Cyber security, cybersecurity, IT security…all of these are terms that are being used a lot lately. All of these make reference to the protection of information systems. Cyber security include protection to hardware, software, and information in it. People dedicate their work to make this happen and make IT systems safe.


How does this affect me? Why should I care? Bad news, you should care, because your important information might be in risk. Bank account information, social network information, private information; if it is in the internet or in any of your systems (computer, smart phone, tablet, etc), it is in risk of being hacked or infected.

The amount of information on the network is overwhelming and some of this information is so important and is less secure than we think, because nothing is really safe on the Internet. This means, information from the government, corporations and banks is not safe. This affects us in a very obvious way if you ask me, because we are vulnerable from all places, the web sites we visit, the spam and phishing mails we receive in our email and the payments we do through the Internet.


Nowadays, the world is interconnected more than ever before. This maybe be because of the big trends and directions that technologies are taking, the Internet of things for example. But as much facilitation and advantages these technologies bring to the table, we are exposing ourselves more and more to the cyberspace.The increased connectivity brings increased risk to theft, fraud and abuse of the vulnerabilities that these technologies will have. As time goes on, humanity is more reliant on modern technology and the risk of security breaches, spear phishing and social media fraud will always be there. The problem becomes bigger and bigger the more technology is connected to

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