--Originally published at Computer and Information Security

There are 3 crucial components of security: Integrity that guarantees that the information is accurate and correct, Availability, that it can be accessed by the authorized people and Confidentiality that limits the access to the information.

Confidentiality prevents information from reaching the wrong people but it also must allow access to authorized individual. There are many methods to achieve and increase confidentiality, some of them are:

  • Data encryption.
  • Two factor authentication.
  • Security tokens.
  • Biometric verification.

However, the users are also responsible for the confidentiality of data, they can improve it by minimizing the appearance of the data and its transmission.

Integrity assures that the data is consistent, accurate and correct. This means that data can’t be changed by unauthorized people or when it is moved. Some technologies used for integrity are:

  • File permission.
  • Access control.
  • Version control.
  • Checksums
  • Backups

Integrity also must be able to endure accidents such as EMPs or crashes.

Availability is achieved by giving adequate maintenance to the hardware, having a correctly functioning OS, using an appropriate bandwidth and preventing bottlenecks. Other methods include the use of RAID systems and having a disaster recovery plan.