Dark Side of the code (Malware)

--Originally published at Computer security

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Since we were little we were taught not to enter places which we don’t trust or just look too good  to be true, just as we are taught to not download pirate software because most of the time it contains programs with modified code which have a different objectives to what we intended to do with them, they do not ask for permissions and do more harm than good to our computers, all these programs are known as badware or malware and today we’ll talk about them and how to avoid them.

Malware, short for malicious software, is any software used to disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, gain access to private computer systems, or display unwanted advertising. This means that this type of software is created with the sole purpose of creating harm to a computer system or a network of multiple computers acting as a greater system. So you should better be aware of where you are going into on the Internet.

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This term includes viruses, Trojans, worms, rootkits, ransomeware, spyware, adware intrusion, crimeware and other unwanted software, also it is a common misconception that the software that does not work is the same as a malware and this is a total lie, since tht real malware is created to harm directly to the user, unlike the other that is simply created with a bad practice so you can break or enter easily because of a silly mistake.

There are many types of malware, but the most important to know about are the following:

  • Rootkit: This malware installs a new account or steals an existing one, to elevate the security level of that account to the highest degree (can be root on Unix or administrator on Windows) so that the attacker can take full control of the machine.
  • Trojan
    Is a malware that passes through computer defenses by pretending to be a useful software, usually with the purpose of accesing sensitive information.
  • Ransomeware: Holds a computer captive until some ransom or demand is fulfilled. The machine is literally kidnapped, because the malware restricts its access to the point where it can encrypt files. Ransoms usually demand for money.
  • Worms: This are independent programs that reproduce by fully copying themselves from one computer to another, virus on the other hand are code fragments that copies themselves into a larger program, modifying that program to the benefit of the creator of the worm.
  • Spyware: Spies users activity without their permission and knowledge. It can be used to exploit vulnerabilities, so that a person can access the system and take all the data that he deems as useful or necessary.

All of these and even more types of software are developed every day with the purpose of harming your computer or stealing your information, so as I have always said in this post, beware of where you are looking at in the web, a malware could be lurking just around the corner or one click away from your computer.

To know more about this topic check the video below:


Until we meet again fellow Internauts, remember, be safe!