Why should we learn Karate?

--Originally published at Computer Security

Martial arts are are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, they require a lot of discipline, effort and perseverance. Nowadays, most martial arts have spread to the entire world and they are even considered as a sport, people around the world practice them mainly because of self defense. Now, I’m sure more than one of you have seen Karate Kid (if not, google it), it’s a movie that tells the story of a young guy (Daniel-san) who is bullied by stronger boys and then a Japanese old man (Miyagi-sensei) teaches him karate so he can defense by himself, a classic.


Well, this is some blog for computer security, why am I talking about Karate Kid? I just felt like talking about it. OK no. Look, as Daniel-san learnt karate for self defense, we should be learning karate too, IT’S A DANGEROUS WORLD!


The point is, digital world it’s also a dangerous world full of bullies waiting to attack us, if we show weakness then we are screwed, we should learn computer security for self defense, and who knows maybe we could protect others too. Miyagi-sensei would approve.


We could make a completely analogy between martial arts and knowledge of computer security; if you know how to defend, you know how to attack but you won’t because of your values and ethic (read Web Security Apostles entry), if you are good enough you won’t be easily harmed and you could expand protection to others, if you at least know the risks you will avoid them. Finally, if you haven’t watch the movies, watch them, like right now, great movies, you’ll learn good stuff from them?