Dealine 6 & 7

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

Before reading

The last time we talked about this novel it ended up surprising us because all of a sudden the bad novel that we remembered became a really atractive novel with some little details that made me continue reading withought feeling tired, this time I expect the novel to stay as good as it was the previous chapters.

At the end of the last chapter Mr T felt a little awkward about the project that dicussed with the NNL, the Morovian leader, because for Mr T the way that the NNL wanted to create the project was not the one that Mr T was expecting to do, so he felt like he was not doing what he really wanted to do, with no more things to say lets read.

This is a gif of a cat reading- giphy

Chapter 6

At the beggining of the chapter Mr T was still not sure that the project is what he really wanted to do, but because he has already accepted the job he had nothing left to do than start his work, he felt a little insecure because he had never managed that many people, Lahska gifted a book about project management, and what Mr T used to do is that at the end of every chapter he wrote down in his diary what he had learned, the only problem is that the book was not teaching anything usefull to Mr T so he inmediately stopped doing it because he had nothing to write down, kinda the same what happened to us at the beginning of the book.

Waldo showed up asking Mr T if he was ready to start working, but Mr T had a little problem and it was that he did not know how to make the decisions,

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Deadline 3,4 & 5

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

Before reading

As you know, I am currently writing about a novel that I’m reading, which is Deadline, a novel about project management, by Tom DeMarco, so in these posts we are going to discuss about the chapters of the book and at the end I am giving my truly opinion about the book, In the last chapters the book did not caught our attention, because it felt kind of confusing and slow, lets see if the novel has something special for us.

This is a gif of sponge bob reading a book- giphy

——–Reading the chapters——

Chapter 3

By now the book seems to start getting a little interesting, in this chapter of the book Mr T, who is the main character of the novel wakes up in a place that is similar to his home but it’s not home, as soon as he wakes up he saw Ms Hoolihan looking at him, he is mad and angry because he of course notices that he has been kidnaped, but Holihan seems not to pay too much attention to what Mr T feels, because time is running and Mr T needs to start doing the job for what he had been kidnapped. As soon as Holihan starts explainin what Mr T’s job would be she said to Mr T that if he does not what to do the job he is free to leave, but of course Holihan knows that someone like Mr T would never refuse such an oportunity like the one that is being given at the moment, they would pay twice the amount of money that Mr T did back in USA.

This is a gif of a cat being petted-Tenos

A lot of money an a job specially made for Mr T finally convinces Mr T

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Economics of Software Engineering

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

In this post we are going to talk about the origins of economics in software engineering, fist of all economic is a science that studies the resources needed to fulfill the human needs, this also includes the human behaviour, and engineering is the science that involves techonologies in the proffesional area. Saying this, economics in software engineering is a field who involves the basis of economics into technology systems.

This is a gif of a bar graph – giphy

At a first look it could seem that a software system may not require any economics knowledge, but that is not true, nowadays every system that is in the market requires a full in depht investigation about the market itself, one big example could be Uber, this system is similar to a taxi system, the only differences are that Uber provides a higher quality service, you get to choose the type of car that you’d like to ride in, and a few extra details that make your ride a lot better than riding a cab.

This is a gif of the Uber app- giphy

Lets analyze how Uber did to make it to a top system

First, the idea of making this system a real thing was to give users a better experience when trying to get to any places, provide a cheaper service and a safer service among the ones that already existed.

Second, establishing the market, unfortunately Uber is not made for everyone, eventhough everyone can hop into a Uber car, not everyone is allowed to use the system, there is an age restriction to use the system.

Third, places where the system would be more required.

Fourth, once competition starts showing up, what will they do to keep being number one worldwide

These are some of the thigns

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Deadline part 1 & 2

--Originally published at TI2011 – The Broken Wallflower

This is a picture of the cover of the book- Amazon

For those who doesn’t know what The deadline is, the deadline is a novel by Tom DeMarco published in 1997, this is one risky project because it tries to teach how does the software project management works using a novel as it’s conductor, the story is about a man who is kidnapped by an organization who is trying to reclute the best talents in order to become one big organization capable of developing world leadership systems.

During these posts we are going to disccus about the adventures that the main character faces during the book, and give our point of view about the novel chapters, with no further to say lets analyse chapters 1 and 2.

Part 1

For the fist part of the book the novel introduce us to an auditorium, where apparently there is a program that will teach the audience how to take advantage of the upcoming oportunities, and notice when an oportunity is given to them. The main character, Mr Tompkins, seems like he does not what to be there because as soon as the novel starts it tell us that Tompkins has ben asleep in the back seats of the auditorium for around an hour, where of couse he has been no been paying attention to the event, as soon as he wakes up the noticed that a well loking woman is sitting right next to him.

Mr Topkins starts asking the woman about the conference that is being given but seems like she does not what to talk about it, little did Mr Topkins know that this woman is sitting next to him for a reason, they are sitting so far behind that they are able to talk without interrupting the event, so

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