The game of power, politics in the organizations

--Originally published at TI2011 – Press enter to continue…

I remember from my art and culture class my professor once told us that all interactions between people are basically a game of power, and politics is the raw demonstration of it. Politics is the way, us people, organize our selves and decide how to do stuff thanks to debate and discussions: the activities associated … Continue reading The game of power, politics in the organizations

The deadline: Capitulo 19

--Originally published at TI2011 – Alex’s Barn

Conforme avanza la lectura de esta novela, me siento más inmerso en las tierras de Morovia. No por el hecho de haber sido secuestrado por una espía de una nación tiránica, sino que, de un día a otro, la realidad que conocía ha desaparecido y en su lugar, han aparecido nuevos retos a los cuales debemos adaptarnos, para seguir adelante con los proyectos del día a día.

This pandemic happened so fast . . . I feel like Mr T. being abdused by Lashka.
Src: Giphy

Hoy más que nunca, la lectura de esta novela me cae como un consuelo ante la total incertidumbre que existe en estos tiempos.

La reflexión de hoy será más que breve, a pesar de mi deseo de extenderme, pero el capítulo de esta semana es por sí mismo, muy corto a lo que contenido corresponde.

Como diseñar adecuadamente.

Esta pregunta me ha surgido más de alguna vez, principalmente el semestre anterior. Existe teoría del diseño y, hablando de forma específica del diseño de Software, sabemos bien que existe teoría sólida para realizar esta actividad. ( Tomemos como primer ejemplo, el gran libro de Patrones de diseño).

Sin embargo, como tal, para diseñar todo un proyecto de software, tenemos pautas, ideas y guías, sin embargo, aún así sigue siendo una actividad no automatizada. Se necesita del conocimiento, práctica y experiencia de los diseñadores.

Más de alguna vez he dirigido mis blogs al diseño ( Como ejemplo, tenemos el breve análisis de los Patrones de diseño), y si no mal recuerdo, en este blog definí como separar systemas en entidades más específicas, con tareas simples.

En este punto, debemos retroceder dos pasos y volver a los conceptos adquiridos al estudiar el Paradigma Orientado a Objetos. Como indican en la novela, para definir adecuadamente los bloques en los Continue reading "The deadline: Capitulo 19"


--Originally published at Blog de Célia

As the time pass, the project is working well for all the teams even if Mr. T is sur that all the projects will not be deliver on time (he is still hoping for some of the projects). There is an inspection team checking every side of the proejct to see the advance in the work, and they gave some recommendations about the productivity. They want that the team enhance the productivity to deliver the final product on time. However, Mr. T explain that this strategy will make them lose a lot of time in the process. To my opinion, of course trying to improve your processes will you make lose time at the beginning, but it is really important for any project and organisation, you will gain time at the end. So, maybe the improvements have to depend of how long is your project? « The danger of standard process and not trying to do be improvement in the way you are working with your team is that you will miss changes to take important shortcuts » and that finally you will take a lot more hours to achieve your goals.

Image par Gerd Altmann de Pixabay

Mr. T, after this discussion tries to have more information about this question of having a better productivity. He has a discussion with Mr. Kenoros. Keneros explain him that the best way to win time and to improve the productivity it is to avoid having bugs in the programming of software. Since bugs can take 50% of the project time, it is important to avoid them. I did not really understand all the details on how it Is possible to avoid bugs on your software, they spoke about the bugs that are in the module etc. (I do not know anything about programming to Continue reading "ONLY 345 DAYS TILL D-DAY"

Deadline the 10th (part)

--Originally published at TI2011 – FABIAN'S GEEK STUFF

What a preciuos previledges Mr. T has, traveling from one place to the other and having the oportunity to be their own desition boss. But off course we can really know that is Europe and is like really easy with the right contacts to travel from one place to another. And yes another character appears,... Continue Reading →

Starry Sky, The Deadline Chapter 12

--Originally published at TI2011 – Luis Wilson

I really liked this chapter. It has such a natural flow to it, and the philosophical end was just my taste. What I got most about this chapter is how DIFFICULT it is to quantify management. It may even be impossible to get such accurate measures, but maybe, just maybe, enough subjectiveness will get you closer to the truth than nothing at all.

Is it safe to assume that Lahksa wasn’t kidnapped by the bad guy from the last chapter? I mean, what she did for Webster Tompkins was in favor of everything our main characters have been trying to accomplish. She did leave misteriously, but I guess it’s not up to us to know for sure as of now.

So, Lahksa sends a postcard to Tompkins telling him that she sent a guy from the US to help them out quantify their project progress. This Mr. T. Johns Caporous has these function points that he uses to numerically measure project productivity. He quickly flies to Morovia and tells them the function points of the 6 projects. Unfortunately, this guy has to be somewhere else that very evening, and so leaves quite suddenly.

Due to having a very long day, Tompkins and the ex-General were scratching their heads trying to figure out just what the heck those points even meant. Belinda Binda shows up (she wasn’t there for whatever reason) and figures out that those function points are like remaining pieces of work units that a project needs to spend before it is finally done. Cool and all, but still, what is a function point? What is it equal to?

Apparently, that’s up to the actual people doing the project, how they work, manage, and all those things. For this, they promote Waldo and make him

Continue reading "Starry Sky, The Deadline Chapter 12"

Deadline, what about part VIII and IX

--Originally published at TI2011 – FABIAN'S GEEK STUFF

And for today's post, a little bit more about our favorite story on the Deadline novel, and I have realized along all of this reviewed chapters that besides it is a story and sometimes is very suitable for the topics they want to translate from the theoretical perspective to the approach in the real world,... Continue Reading →
