Working from home

--Originally published at TI2011 – Miguel’s Blog

The world is in a precarious state right now. People are advised not to go out, even for work. In consequence to this, many companies are allowing their employees to work from home. This has been difficult for some people to adapt, the learning curve may be a bit too steep for them. Working at home is possible thanks to many tools, like emails and Zoom. However, working from home doesn’t go the same for everyone. On one hand, some people feel like they are more productive when working from home, they are more concentrated and have more time to do other activities. But, on the other hand, some people can’t help getting distracted when working at home. You don’t have people constantly keeping an eye on them, so people have less pressure and tend to slack off. Also, at home there are more distractions, no one is looking at what you are doing, you can watch videos on the side, play video games, etc.

Working from home doesn’t have to be detrimental for your performance. Many tips for working from home are given here. One advantage is that you can generally get work done faster. If you work 40 hours a week, if you are productive, you can probably get that work done in less hours, giving you more free time. The key is removing distractions so you can fully focus on your work, but you can take breaks. It’s not about sitting on your computer for 8 hours straight, it’s remote work, you can get up and take a break whenever you want. Taking breaks can increase your work’s quality. Also, since you work through the internet, you have access to everyone on the internet, not just people in your office. Asynchronous communication lets you work at your

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