
Well, here is the quiz number 3 which consist of calculating the distance between two points represented in the cartesian plane. By do this program, first you have to use a library which can allow mathematical operations, like Pitagoras Theorem, and the the program will ask you for four coordinates, x1, x2, y1, y2 and it will calculate the distance of the numbers you enter in the program.

So here is the code writen in Atom as terminal:

And here the program compiled in Cygwin as terminal:

In order to resolve the second program of the quiz, first of all, you need to know some about how the sequence of Fibonacci works, it is important to understand that because if not, you ware not smart enough haha.
So, you enter a number into the program and it will calculate the number entered and the past number of this in the Fibonacci sequence, so the result of your number and the sequence will show you in the screen.

Here is an example of how does this sequence works using Atom as editor:

And then the program compiled in Cygwin as terminal:

And finally, here are the codes taken by GitHub.com



Factorial Calculator #WSQ09

This program was a little hard and difficult for me because I had a lot ot programs with the return, when the progra, asked for another number and you write yes, it shows the message of Have a nice day, when it should be when you write no, so this was hard for me to understand so I still having the same problem and I need help in order to understand this and try to solve it.
This program works with a loop writing down a function and the program will make the operation by itself, multipliying the number with another random and then it will show you its factorial, than means if the number is a FACTO O REAL.

Here is the code writen in Atom as editor:

This is the program compiled in Cygwin, as terminal:

Also I have the same program using CodeBlocks in C++

And here is the code taken by GitHub.com


On To Functions #WSQ08

Hey there!
This time, we go back and do the homework WSQ03, Fun with Numbers, but this time, we have to use functions in each mathematical operations.
I will show you how to write the correct functions for each operation:
First of all, you have to call each function using int or float, and the write inside the function the variable you want to call and then the mathematical operation, returning to its function.

This is the code written in Atmo as editor:

And here is the program compiled in Cygwin as terminal:

And the same program using CodeBlocks in C++

Here is the code taken by GitHub.com


Sum of Numbers #WSQ07

This homeworks result a a little easy for me to understand how to use the loop because if you want to do like a counter between a number to another, you just need to use a loop indicating form the lower to the higher number to be sum and then the program will start, at first, by adding the number 0 in the range of numbers you will enter in the program, so the code is very important because you have to specify that the numbers enter have to sum from 0 then the lower number and then the next number, +1 in this case, doing this until the program identify the higer number entered by the person.
So for example, if you want to sum the numbers or a range between 1 to 5, the program will start summing the number 0 + 1 +2 +3 +4 and +5. So the final result will be the addition between this range of numbers, which is 15.

Now, I’am going to show you my code written in Atom, as an editor.

And here is the program compiled in Cygwin, as terminal.

And finally, I also have the same program using CodeBlocks, which is a good board in order to learn programming in C++

Here is the code taken by GitHub.com


#AbolishGrades #WSQ04

About this controversial topic of abolish grades, which consists of don’t evaluate the student by a grade obtained in a test that we had to answer all of the questions and if we don’t answer them correctly, we will probably fail the examen and, of course, the semester.
So this subject is completely great and awesome because we can get a grade by ourselves without answer problems or questions so hard and difficult, so this time, we have the total control of this situation, of course, we have to evaluate by ourselves but we need to have good evidence by doing the homeworks, quizzes, activities, projects ect, and by this, we tell to the teacher Ken what will be our final grade showing him what we have learned and improved.
This tactic can improve our skills and hablitites, which is the principal goal of this course, is to learn about how to program in C++, making good programs and understanding all of the variables and functions used in our codes.
So finally, I think this is a good strategy in order to improve our knowledge about programming and then, pass the semester with a good grade doing all of the activities in this course.

#Quiz2 #TC101

Hi everyone!
Here is the second quiz of the first partial. This time I was surprised when Ken said that today we will have a quiz about how to use functions in order to make a program harder, so I didn’t finish it on classes, but I was working all the afternoon in my house and with a little help from my friend #LosCerritosRifa I could finish with this quiz.
I have to admit that really I don’t understand some things, but practicing and studying all the tips that my friends and also the teacher say to me, I can understand better this topics and then demonstrate that I am good in programming, because that is one of my thousand goals of this new year 😀

Well, here is my code in C++ of the first program of the quiz 2, using Atom as editor. When you understand all the steps in the code, then you can do by yourself another hardes codes.

And then here is the full program compiled using Cygwin as a terminal.
Then, this is the code of the second program of the quiz 2 in C++ using Atom as editor.
And it’s respective program compiled in Cygwin as terminal.
And by this, I also have done the same programs but I used CodeBlocks in order to edit and compile the codes in C++ at the same time. Check at this:

Here is my codes from GitHub:

Pick a Number #WSQ06

Okay, here is my homework no. 6 which consist of guess a random number using some new techniques for me, specially the function srand (time(0)); so I had to research by myself on YouTube about this new thing for me, and also I asked a friend named #LosCerritosRifa in order to understand better this function and then start writing my code.

I liked this homework so much because I could understand better how a computer works by itself, it is amazing the way it pick a random number and then we have to guess it, it’s really incredible, so right now I am loving programming in C++.

Here is my code written in Atom:

Then. here is the code compiled using Cygwin as terminal:

And also I have the same program in C++ using CodeBlocks:

This is my code, you can look at this in GitHub:


Quiz1 #TC101 #SinCategoría

Hello guys, last friday we had our first quiz of the semester. At the beginning I was a little nervous because I didn’t know how does the quiz will be, but when I saw the quiz and started read it, I figured out that it was very easy. So here I will explain you what was the quiz about and my results 😀

The first problem you have to calculate the volume of a cylinder, you have to use a library called math.h in order to use some coeficients as “pi”, and then you can use floats to give the value of pi and other variables like Volume, Radius and Height. And also you need to write down the formula that the teacher gives you in order to calculate all the measurements of the cylinder.

The second problem was very easy, you only have to calculate some basic operations like the product, the integer based division and the reaminder of the integer division of two numbers. By this, you need to use integer numbers and by then, you will have your program compiling correctly.

And the third problem was the same as problem 2, but you have to use the function float in order to calculate other basic operation like the addition, substraction, the product and the integer base division of two numbers. By this, you can have decimal numbers and this show you that the program is correct.

Follow all of this instructions and you will have a 100 in your first quiz 😀

Temperature #WSQ05

I have finished the next homework of the course making a program that convert from Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius un C++..

This time I got a little confuse about how to write the formulas and how to put a condition statement.

In order to solve this homework and have the right code, I watched a video in YouTube where I found how to write the condition and the correct use of the formulas to convert from Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius, And also a friend helped me with some inputs and outputs.

So I show you my code using Atom as editor and then the program working correctly.

And here is the program working correctly using Cygwin as terminal.
And then I also did the same code in order to make the same program but using CodeBlocks.
Here is my code from GitHub: