#WSQ04 Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades

--Originally published at Fernando Partida's Blog

Bye, Bye, Bye Grades…

Pardon for the featured image, just watched “Guardians of the Galaxy” and thought of it with the title of this WSQ :D

The abolish grades is something that i haven’t done before. I think it is a very neat concept. By abolishing grades i think we students will have a lot more freedom than that which we have had in other classes. Even though it is something very interesting it could have some serious drawbacks for people that are not actually interested in the course, (not my problem though). This concept will actually be very beneficiary for me because I’m the kind of person who forgets stuff and does everything at the last possible moments.

#WSQ04 Flipped Learning / #AbolishGrades

#WSQ03 Object-Oriented Basics

--Originally published at Fernando Partida's Blog

Oh My God! She’s so basic…

Excuse my attempt of using popular american slang…

So I watched the video about the basics of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), and did my best to understand the whole contents of the video. One thing i did like a lot was the inheritance section. I do think using inheritance could probable save up a lot of time when programming and it could also lead to having a code with less errors within it.

The is-a and has-a relations were really simple. As one can determine that a SNES has game cartridges meaning that games are not inherited from the SNES, whilst the SNES is a Nintendo console then it can be said that the SNES does inherit from Nintendo.

#WSQ03 Object-Oriented Basics


#WSQ03 Object-Oriented Basics

#WSQ02 “Hello World!”

--Originally published at Fernando Partida's Blog

Baby Steps


In order to learn the basics of java i first used help from WikiHow this covered the basics in how to download both the java JDK and also how to download an IDE.

#WSQ02 “Hello World!”

I also used some Help from an author in Lynda.com called David Gassner.

My Code:

#WSQ02 “Hello World!”

The code was written using Eclipse, and synced on GitHub with an add-on called EGit.

#WSQ02 “Hello World!”