Course Review

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

This course is not for the weak nor the procastinators.

I think flipped learning and is good for students who actually want to learn because it gives you the choice to either procrastinate and waste time or organize yourself and your time to do the activities, homework, learn OOP, meet new people who can help you with OOP which is mostly what i did during this course (of course I did procrastinate a little, and by a little i mean ALOT, but I did everything, or at least most of what I was asked to do and some extra stuff which helped me with other courses).

During this course i learned Object Oriented Programming in the almighty JAVA programming language, and how did i did this? Well, first of all, without the help of my classroom partners or Lynda videos/StackOverflow/random websites i wouldn't be able learn the basic concepts of OOP such as what is an object, method, inheritance, polymorphism, delegation, use cases, a little of graphical user interface, etc.

I liked this way of learning mostly because it encouraged me to help myself and not procrastinate, i also liked it because i could ask anyone in the class about any problem i had and i would get help and answers real quick which helped me get my assignments done. I also had a lot of fun reading my classmates blog posts, some of them where funny, sarcastic and they really helped me with my WSQs and learning.


Gilberto Rogel García A01630171


Course Review

--Originally published at tc2016blog

This course was in fact one of the courses in which I procrastinated REALLY hard (which led to a last minute hackaton).

The reason is this one:

There is so much free time and not even a little pressure that I don’t feel like I have to do anything, and don’t take this the wrong way I like the course and Ken is a great and smart teacher, he is certainly one of the best teacher I’ve had so far, but this semester (in comparison with the last one) the Flipped Learning style went a little too far for me.

We didn’t have much practice in coding aside from doing the projects, but mostly those projects were based on Google tutorials and coding in teams, which doesn’t really gives us the knowledge of Java that we will really need in our future courses, and I get that the objective of this course is teaching about Object Oriented Programming and not especifically Java, but I think we could have used a little more programming practice.

In retrospective, this was a good course which gave us the opportunity to make our own choices that could have affected our grade, we had to take responsibility by ourselves and not from the pressure from the teacher, which is really good because in our professional life that is how everything is going to work.

Thank you Ken for such awesome two semesters and for the great lesson you left us all, I like your way of teaching and keep on doing what you do.


Course Review

My lovely semester in TC201

--Originally published at richardctc201

Here is the video I made explaining the whole learning process which I get through in this semester. It’s a long video (sorry, I was inspired). In general I think that I learned a lot, and not only in topics of Objected-Orientes programming; I also learned about the thoughts of important people of the programming community; I learned about what many philosophers and writers think about the abolish grades stuff, etc. To conclude, I feel prepared and confident to pass to the next level, that in may case is Data Estructure, which they said is OOP 2.0.

My video:

My lovely semester in TC201


--Originally published at My Programming Course

Este es mi review para la clase en el curso de TC201. 

Personalmente me parece que el métido de aprendizaje es un tanto único el cual me parece perfecto, a parte siento qe no estaba tan precionado pero a su vez, creo que esto tiene tanto sus pros como sus contras. 

Por la misma razón de que me sentía que tenía tanto tiempo libre, dejé todo hasta el final. Este punto no tiene nada de malo, ya que así decidí hacerlo yo, pero eso no quiere decir que así fue para todos los cursantes.

Siento que al aprender más sobre la teoría me ayudó a analizar mejor los códigos que hice.

Para mi punto de vista, el curso debería seguir tal y como está, ya que aunque asistamos a clases, el aprendizaje es diferente para cada uno de los estudiantes, por lo que si nosotros buscamos información sobre un tema en específico es porque necesitamos saber sobre ello y esto, por ende, hace que nos enfoquemos más en lo que queremos aprender y facilita el entendimiento de las cosas. Como prueba de lo que adabo de escribir. los códigos no me dieron problemas, por lo que el aprendizaje fue un éxito.

Course review

--Originally published at luiscortesjava

This semester with ken was a little bit different from the last one and honestly I didn’t like the abolish grades policy, because it made me care less about the course but at the same tome it gave me more time to work on my project.

Taking a course with ken is always a great experience, he is an incredible human being  and the only thing he cares about is helping. Ken teach many important things that have nothing to do with OOP but those things would help my entire life.

Thank you ken for this course, it was awesome.

here is a video of my opinion in Spanish about this course .

Course review

Course Review

--Originally published at JAVALIO

Great semester, I am very happy to end it, during this course I have learned so many things, now it feels like I am used to all this concepts but if I looking back a little bit I could see me in the early semester struggle with this new idea of Objects and stuff.

I’m very proud about what I learned because it cost me a lot at the begging, I want to say thank you to all my friends, teammates and ken for all the support they gave me, thanks to that I was abled to move on.

I really like the #AbolishGrade policy, no because it’s easier to get a good grate but because its an original way to test yourself, you don’t have to rush or keep a fool rubric but just do what you have to do without been insecure.

Here’s my video:

Course Review

Course Review – OOP

--Originally published at chozaoop

We are finally here, the last two weeks of the semester. It has been fun, difficult and with many decisions. One of them was taking the OOP course with Ken.

I see a lot of potencial in this course, Ken implemented this “Choose your own grade” mechanic, in which we (based on what we learned and what we did) choose what you deserve as a grade.

This is an interesing idea, yet, it happens that a lot of students lie about their grades, or choose to never attend the class since you cannot fail by absences, bad idea, we do talked about OOP concepts in class, not always as a lecture, but as a blog post in which we had to investigate by ourselves or by making a team and then begin to gather information from different sources. This information was later evaluated as an exam, Ken also (based on a rubric) asked what we deserved as a grade.

Not every assignment on the course was about practical Java code, there was also theoric stuff we had to learn by watching videos on and a project which had to involve us learning some object-oriented programming. In our case we chose to learn about Unity.

The course Ken is teaching is not about learning Java, it’s about learning OBJECTS, also we were taught that we have to be in control of our own learning, investigating concepts by ourselves, how the social interaction can be useful and that we have to document our own progress and experiences in a blog, so then we can share it once we become sucessful.

I liked the course, despite what other students might say. I see potential in this way of teaching/learning but it needs to fix some things, i really liked how we had to work as a team to learn this concepts, we did this only in 2 classes if i can recall. Would have liked a couple more of lectures, even if the other students don’t pay enought attenttion. Would have liked more guidance in doing the practical WSQ’s (kinda my fault by not asking Ken). The Lynda videos were great, the flexibility of the course was great, the BEEP-BEEP in the classroom was annoying, but overall it was a good course.

Course Review – OOP




Course Review – OOP


--Originally published at José Salazar

Hi everyone!

I’m writing this post to talk about my experience on this course. First of all, I would like to say thanks to Ken (¡Thank you Ken!) for this course.

Flipped learning is a fun way to learn on class and Ken knows how to taught us. At the beginning it was difficult to me because I didn’t know nothing about Java and honestly I was afraid. Making WSQ’S and watching videos from I learned the basic sintax of this language and the next step was practice.

I prefer this method because it is really challenging for the students and if you want to learn well you have to do things and more to succeed on the course. I recorded a video where I explained better my opinion.




TC201 #CourseReview – Mr. I Never Use an Umbrella

--Originally published at Orientierteprogrammierungobjekteundetwasmehr

This course has been something really new to me.

I learned the more fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming, as well as putting most of these into practice. Classes, objects, attributes and methods. APIE: Abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation and delegation. Has-a, is-a relationships. Visibility modifiers. Overloading and Overriding. Also I learned about software development tools and practices like UML and CRC cards. I still have to learn about the metaobject protocol. I also learned a lot about the Unity game engine and about video game networks and protocols, the Authoritative Server approach, latency compensation, client prediction, server reconciliation and other interesting concepts. this and this  are some really nice articles about the subject.

First off, I thought I wasn’t doing a lot of things, the course was really relaxed, doing the assignments whenever I wanted and learning whatever I wanted. A lot of people coursing OOP with Salinas told me that I was learning nothing, because the way the class works. But at the end of the first partial I realized I had learned more than my fellows from the class of Salinas, and they are still saying “you didn’t learn about Java user interfaces”,  but honestly, I don’t give a duck about user interfaces. I was learning all the theory and doing the programming wsq’s by, which is quicker than having the teacher trying to put the concepts in everyone’s head in one class, because I think everyone has it’s own learning rhythm.

I personally think this teaching method is really good and could work really well, but first, ken has to polish some aspects of the course:

First, there must be more emphasis on doing the assignments, because people (at least most I know) is not very interested in self-education, they don’t do the things they should until they realize they have one or two days left for finishing everything. They don’t manage their time correctly, they prefer to procrastinate all the time instead of focusing in what is really important.

Second, I think there should be more programming assignments, sometimes I learned the concepts, did the posts about what I learned and everything but never put these concepts into practice, making me feel like I did not master the topic completely, and I don’t mean learning Java, I mean reinforcing the concepts learned with something practical, because I definitively think that this class (and every programming class) should be language agnostic, focusing on learning the theory and putting these concepts in practice in whichever language the student wants.

I think that if ken really efforts improving his course in these aspects he will have a really, really good course, keep the good work!

TC201 #CourseReview – Mr. I Never Use an Umbrella