WSQ 07

--Originally published at chozaoop

Also forgot this one, we also did this one as a team, same, we did the logic stuff and operations in a blank page and then wrote the code based on this.

Here’s a snip of the code:

WSQ 07

Kind of the same as the WSQ06, we initialized the variables from the beginning, no constructor and a single class that makes two loops to get the whole process done.

It was my fault to post this at the very end of the course but, well, some people procrastinates real hard sometimes.

Here’s the link to Cesar’s Github.

WSQ 07

Project – Demo

--Originally published at chozaoop

Hey guys!

So we finally have an stable version of the Tanks Online game we did as a project!

Reminder: This game is not ours entirely, we got the game, then customized some stuff such as 3rd person camera, aim freely, visual filters, power ups, respawning, and most importantly a multiplayer capability we learned at the Unity Roadshow about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Here’s a video showing some gameplay:


We had been testing the game on Ken’s class, it has been fun and it’s looking real different from the first version, Hermes freaking rocks!

While testing we detected some bugs and errors in general, Hermes then fixed it and also added some stuff. We also noticed how the game becomes less stable the more people enters a game, so let’s say it’s a good 1v1.


Project – Demo

WSQ – 06

--Originally published at chozaoop

Whoops, forgot to upload this one.

The WSQ is about making a Greatest Common Divisor or GCD for short.

Early java assigments in which we had to expore how to give a responsibility to a class.

If i can remember, Cesar Augusto, Cesar Cortez and me joined as a team to make this WSQ so we basically have the same code, we worked together to find out how could we solve this, it was kinda simple, first we make the calculus and logic on a blank paper then we translated it to Java.

Here’s a snip from the code:

WSQ – 06WSQ – 06

First we initialized the varibles n and result. No constructor needed, we have a single class which basically does everything, add the x and y parameters. Enter a while loop in which it makes the whole GCD process which i can’t clearly recall right now, or increment the value of n, return the result and that’s what it’s print.

Made a new instance called gcd, used it trying 50 and 78 and evidently the GCD is 2.

Again, as a team we decided to only upload it to Cesar Augusto’s Github, so there it is.

WSQ – 06

Course Review – OOP

--Originally published at chozaoop

We are finally here, the last two weeks of the semester. It has been fun, difficult and with many decisions. One of them was taking the OOP course with Ken.

I see a lot of potencial in this course, Ken implemented this “Choose your own grade” mechanic, in which we (based on what we learned and what we did) choose what you deserve as a grade.

This is an interesing idea, yet, it happens that a lot of students lie about their grades, or choose to never attend the class since you cannot fail by absences, bad idea, we do talked about OOP concepts in class, not always as a lecture, but as a blog post in which we had to investigate by ourselves or by making a team and then begin to gather information from different sources. This information was later evaluated as an exam, Ken also (based on a rubric) asked what we deserved as a grade.

Not every assignment on the course was about practical Java code, there was also theoric stuff we had to learn by watching videos on and a project which had to involve us learning some object-oriented programming. In our case we chose to learn about Unity.

The course Ken is teaching is not about learning Java, it’s about learning OBJECTS, also we were taught that we have to be in control of our own learning, investigating concepts by ourselves, how the social interaction can be useful and that we have to document our own progress and experiences in a blog, so then we can share it once we become sucessful.

I liked the course, despite what other students might say. I see potential in this way of teaching/learning but it needs to fix some things, i really liked how we had to work as a team to learn this concepts, we did this only in 2 classes if i can recall. Would have liked a couple more of lectures, even if the other students don’t pay enought attenttion. Would have liked more guidance in doing the practical WSQ’s (kinda my fault by not asking Ken). The Lynda videos were great, the flexibility of the course was great, the BEEP-BEEP in the classroom was annoying, but overall it was a good course.

Course Review – OOP




Course Review – OOP

WSQ 13 – James Gosling

--Originally published at chozaoop

Just finished Triangulation Episode 245 featuring James Gosling, the creator/inventor of probably the most used programming language in the world, Java.

Leo and him talked about some really interesting stuff here, but what really caught my eye was how it started as something simple and came to become the tool or language that revolutionized the entire world.

Don’t forget that Java is actually in millions and millions of devices, our PC, smartphones, Cars, Multimedia players, GPS Navigators, and may many more. We owe Gosling and his team a freaking LOT, the Internet itself developed a lot around Java and the world’s companies, communication and the whole Information Era happened because of this.

Another subject that seems interesing the whole controversy with companies such as Google, are not willing to pay for a licence for using Java or it’s API, and how Oracle sued them and later became unsuccesfull with the demand which resulted in Google not being charged, but hey! it didn’t end there, there is supposedly another trial in which Oracle calls for  9.3 BILLION DOLLARS!

At last, that last subject about the Wave Glider from Liquid Robotics (a company Gosling works in) seemed really cool, and it was funny when James said that he recieved a call from a ship crew telling him they spent a whole hour trying to catch the Wave Glider, funny and ironic how an effective software working can cause such frustration.

I’ll leave you with this picture of a cup from Sun Microsystems (another company James worked in).

WSQ 13 – James Gosling



WSQ 13 – James Gosling

WSQ 12 – Edward Cunningham

--Originally published at chozaoop

This post is about sharing our thoughts and opinions on the Triangulation Chapter 239 Featuring Edward Cunningham, the inventor of the Wiki.

I’m still amazed at the way that big projects or big companies started: with a simple, small idea that ended up growing and nowadays we see it as a part of our lives, a clear example, the Wiki.

As Leo Laporte said, the Wikipedia, one of Ward’s contributions is one of the most beautiful things the Internet can achieve, the idea that he had initially, some place where his company could organize information, knowledge, ideas and add, modify and even delete from the database, that was the beginning of what we know as Wikipedia.

The fact that this platform or webpage is available for everyone around the world and also in several languages, and that every language has it’s own different editions of the same article, unique articles and different community seems surprising to me.

Ward’s generation of programmers was -in my opinion- some of the people that had so much to explore, so much to do and there were so many ideas, in his case, he was succesful at taking his litle project to something macro something big, a tool we all use nowadays and became a big part of what we know as Internet.



WSQ 12 – Edward Cunningham

WSQ 12 – Edward Cunningham

--Originally published at chozaoop

This post is about sharing our thoughts and opinions on the Triangulation Chapter 239 Featuring Edward Cunningham, the inventor of the Wiki.

I’m still amazed at the way that big projects or big companies started: with a simple, small idea that ended up growing and nowadays we see it as a part of our lives, a clear example, the Wiki.

As Leo Laporte said, the Wikipedia, one of Ward’s contributions is one of the most beautiful things the Internet can achieve, the idea that he had initially, some place where his company could organize information, knowledge, ideas and add, modify and even delete from the database, that was the beginning of what we know as Wikipedia.

The fact that this platform or webpage is available for everyone around the world and also in several languages, and that every language has it’s own different editions of the same article, unique articles and different community seems surprising to me.

Ward’s generation of programmers was -in my opinion- some of the people that had so much to explore, so much to do and there were so many ideas, in his case, he was succesful at taking his litle project to something macro something big, a tool we all use nowadays and became a big part of what we know as Internet.



WSQ 12 – Edward Cunningham


--Originally published at chozaoop

Hey so our Project for OOP it’s about exploring the object part of the Platform Unity.

We had some ideas before this, but it was all around the Unity Platform, first we decided to make an Arena Shooter in which we interacted with objects as models(Character, scenario, power-ups) mostly made from the Community but it turned out to be more complicated than it seemed.

And so, we saw this Tanks Game in the Unity page, they basically give you all the stuff to make it, you have to follow a tutorial and you end up with the game as a single player or local multiplayer (two players in your own computer).

Seemed ok at first, but then this Unity Roadshow Multiplayer happened. It was a course in which some certified people from Unity teached how to make the Tanks Game a multiplayer with some implementation on the original build.

This convinced us way way more, that means we did abandon the previous project.

The event was not all about the course, also some Developers came up and showed us their projects, how it became a thing, how much effort was put into this and how much time it took them (some guy has been developing his own game for 4 entire years).

Here’s some proof that we attented this event (we had to sacrifice an entire saturday for this).

Project Project Project


There we can see Gerardo’s perspective and mine, also they gave us this Unity Roadshow cup (AND THEY GAVE US FREE PIZZA), we were learning objects and their interactions on Unity as how everything assemble to create the game.

At the end we got the multiplayer version(kinda) and started changing stuff from it.

Real talk, Hermes did the most work here as he modified the game to be a 3rd Person tank shooter, changed some stuff from the scenario and right now he’s fixing some bugs (which we detected as we tested the game on Ken’s class).

We are planning to test the multiplayer on different networks to see if it works, since we have been playing on the same network, then we make a gameplay video and also explaining how objects interact and what we learned about it.

Also thinking about sharing it with you guys! It really is fun.





--Originally published at chozaoop

Hey so our Project for OOP it’s about exploring the object part of the Platform Unity.

We had some ideas before this, but it was all around the Unity Platform, first we decided to make an Arena Shooter in which we interacted with objects as models(Character, scenario, power-ups) mostly made from the Community but it turned out to be more complicated than it seemed.

And so, we saw this Tanks Game in the Unity page, they basically give you all the stuff to make it, you have to follow a tutorial and you end up with the game as a single player or local multiplayer (two players in your own computer).

Seemed ok at first, but then this Unity Roadshow Multiplayer happened. It was a course in which some certified people from Unity teached how to make the Tanks Game a multiplayer with some implementation on the original build.

This convinced us way way more, that means we did abandon the previous project.

The event was not all about the course, also some Developers came up and showed us their projects, how it became a thing, how much effort was put into this and how much time it took them (some guy has been developing his own game for 4 entire years).

Here’s some proof that we attented this event (we had to sacrifice an entire saturday for this).

Project Project Project


There we can see Gerardo’s perspective and mine, also they gave us this Unity Roadshow cup (AND THEY GAVE US FREE PIZZA), we were learning objects and their interactions on Unity as how everything assemble to create the game.

At the end we got the multiplayer version(kinda) and started changing stuff from it.

Real talk, Hermes did the most work here as he modified the game to be a 3rd Person tank shooter, changed some stuff from the scenario and right now he’s fixing some bugs (which we detected as we tested the game on Ken’s class).

We are planning to test the multiplayer on different networks to see if it works, since we have been playing on the same network, then we make a gameplay video and also explaining how objects interact and what we learned about it.

Also thinking about sharing it with you guys! It really is fun.


