Course Review

--Originally published at GilbertoRogel

This course is not for the weak nor the procastinators.

I think flipped learning and is good for students who actually want to learn because it gives you the choice to either procrastinate and waste time or organize yourself and your time to do the activities, homework, learn OOP, meet new people who can help you with OOP which is mostly what i did during this course (of course I did procrastinate a little, and by a little i mean ALOT, but I did everything, or at least most of what I was asked to do and some extra stuff which helped me with other courses).

During this course i learned Object Oriented Programming in the almighty JAVA programming language, and how did i did this? Well, first of all, without the help of my classroom partners or Lynda videos/StackOverflow/random websites i wouldn't be able learn the basic concepts of OOP such as what is an object, method, inheritance, polymorphism, delegation, use cases, a little of graphical user interface, etc.

I liked this way of learning mostly because it encouraged me to help myself and not procrastinate, i also liked it because i could ask anyone in the class about any problem i had and i would get help and answers real quick which helped me get my assignments done. I also had a lot of fun reading my classmates blog posts, some of them where funny, sarcastic and they really helped me with my WSQs and learning.


Gilberto Rogel García A01630171


TC201 #CourseReview – Mr. I Never Use an Umbrella

--Originally published at Orientierteprogrammierungobjekteundetwasmehr

This course has been something really new to me.

I learned the more fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming, as well as putting most of these into practice. Classes, objects, attributes and methods. APIE: Abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation and delegation. Has-a, is-a relationships. Visibility modifiers. Overloading and Overriding. Also I learned about software development tools and practices like UML and CRC cards. I still have to learn about the metaobject protocol. I also learned a lot about the Unity game engine and about video game networks and protocols, the Authoritative Server approach, latency compensation, client prediction, server reconciliation and other interesting concepts. this and this  are some really nice articles about the subject.

First off, I thought I wasn’t doing a lot of things, the course was really relaxed, doing the assignments whenever I wanted and learning whatever I wanted. A lot of people coursing OOP with Salinas told me that I was learning nothing, because the way the class works. But at the end of the first partial I realized I had learned more than my fellows from the class of Salinas, and they are still saying “you didn’t learn about Java user interfaces”,  but honestly, I don’t give a duck about user interfaces. I was learning all the theory and doing the programming wsq’s by, which is quicker than having the teacher trying to put the concepts in everyone’s head in one class, because I think everyone has it’s own learning rhythm.

I personally think this teaching method is really good and could work really well, but first, ken has to polish some aspects of the course:

First, there must be more emphasis on doing the assignments, because people (at least most I know) is not very interested in self-education, they don’t do the things they should until they realize they have one or two days left for finishing everything. They don’t manage their time correctly, they prefer to procrastinate all the time instead of focusing in what is really important.

Second, I think there should be more programming assignments, sometimes I learned the concepts, did the posts about what I learned and everything but never put these concepts into practice, making me feel like I did not master the topic completely, and I don’t mean learning Java, I mean reinforcing the concepts learned with something practical, because I definitively think that this class (and every programming class) should be language agnostic, focusing on learning the theory and putting these concepts in practice in whichever language the student wants.

I think that if ken really efforts improving his course in these aspects he will have a really, really good course, keep the good work!

TC201 #CourseReview – Mr. I Never Use an Umbrella

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

--Originally published at Alan TC201

I used to herd podcast about video games in the past, but right know I’m to busy for that kind of luxuries. I’m going to be sincere, I was hoping to get bored with this video, Ward Cunningham, the creator of te Wiki! the goddamn Wiki!

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham
It is very incredible how a man so simple could have contributed in such a big way in computer programming, in the internet and in sharing information in general. Yes the Wiki was the main topic, but in the podcast they also talk about how were the school days of Ward, how he started to get interested in this big and noise devices that where the first computers.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

Then the conversation turn to small talk the Object oriented program, that is exactly that purely object oriented.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

Then the more important part was the creation and life of the wiki, how it was created, why it was created, its influence to the distribution of online information, menciona Wikipedia and how is the biggest representation of this type of data, etc.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

PD: Something wird was that the advertisements where actully fun to watch, I don’t know way.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

OO Basics

--Originally published at richardctc201

Today we finally finished seeing the video of Object Oriented Basics. Due to the amount of work I had to do, and the fact that my attention wasn’t the best in class, I had to take a second look to my video at my house.

I think that there were two crucial things that the video pointed out: static/dynamic objects or programming and the terms that I had already discuss in past posts such as inheritance and encapsulation.

Beginning with static and dynamic programming, the video said that there are static programming languages such as java, c++ and c#; in the other hand there are dynamic languages like javascript, python, and ruby. The difference between this two terms resides in whether the code need to be compiled before running. If the platform has a compiler then we’re talking about a static programming type because the program needs to be checked for correctness. In languages like Python, there is no compiler because it is a interpreted language, or in our terms, a dynamic language type because the code is not checked before running and if there’s a mistake the output would show it.

The other important stuff is the inheritance between classes, and I specially liked this video because it uses excellent examples that clearly shows how objects relate and can inherit methods and fields.

With this video, the topic of Object Oriented Programming seems to be clearer, so I think it’s a good moment to go and have some fun giving a try to the wsq’s that involves coding!

OO Basics
Google Image photo by Brian Will shared under reutilization license.


OO Basics



OO Basics