--Originally published at tc2016blog
This course was in fact one of the courses in which I procrastinated REALLY hard (which led to a last minute hackaton).
The reason is this one:
There is so much free time and not even a little pressure that I don’t feel like I have to do anything, and don’t take this the wrong way I like the course and Ken is a great and smart teacher, he is certainly one of the best teacher I’ve had so far, but this semester (in comparison with the last one) the Flipped Learning style went a little too far for me.
We didn’t have much practice in coding aside from doing the projects, but mostly those projects were based on Google tutorials and coding in teams, which doesn’t really gives us the knowledge of Java that we will really need in our future courses, and I get that the objective of this course is teaching about Object Oriented Programming and not especifically Java, but I think we could have used a little more programming practice.
In retrospective, this was a good course which gave us the opportunity to make our own choices that could have affected our grade, we had to take responsibility by ourselves and not from the pressure from the teacher, which is really good because in our professional life that is how everything is going to work.
Thank you Ken for such awesome two semesters and for the great lesson you left us all, I like your way of teaching and keep on doing what you do.