
--Originally published at richardctc201

Last week my team and I (Luis, David, and Dustin) defined what our final project will be. We found a project on the internet about a platform controlled by a Raspberry Pi that is mobilized by some motors with the objective of carrying a camera device which takes photos in defined periods of time.

This project may sound difficult, but the truth is that we have everything we need to completed. David owns a Raspberry Pi, the components are not expensive, and the library that we need is already included in Java’s library.

Here I leave some web pages that show a similar project, and some advice that are needed to perform this project in the Raspberry Pi.




--Originally published at diegotc2016

My team is conformed by:

  • Diego Alatorre
  • César Cortez
  • Manuel Nuño
  • Cesar García

Our project will be a game using Java will be kind of a maze. The principal character will start at a certain point of a house an he/she will have to find someone (his/her son/daughter/grandma we still do not have decided yet). Cesar García has already done a sketch for it.

Here’s the picture:

By Cesar García



--Originally published at chozaoop

This is entry number 01, i’m just gonna explain what is my team and i are thinking about this project.

We have these two ideas, either exploring the options in Unity Engine, such as making a entire new game, or just a collection of some classics like Pinball, Poker, some Cars, stuff like that.

Or making a text-based game but orienting it to objects to we give it the spice it’s needed, i was planning to go to Global Game Jam here on Campus but some Social Life stuff came up and i couldn’t go.

Hey, you guys should play Persona 3 or 4, it’s just a great game. I spent 100 hours into a single playthrough, just a great freaking game, IF YOU PLAY IT LEAVE A COMMENT, I JUST KNOW ABOUT 3 PEOPLE WHO PLAYS THIS.


#WSQ05 – Project

--Originally published at JAVALIO

Members of the team:

-Cesar Augusto Garcia(Me)
-Cesar Augusto Cortez
-Jose Manuel Nuño Salazar
-Diego Fernando Alatorre Montoya

Our project will be a labyrinth where you gonna take the place of some man/woman and have escape from a mysterious house, where you woke up, could you do it?, times doesn’t run out at your favor.


#WSQ05 – Project

#WSQ05 – Project