Project – Demo

--Originally published at chozaoop

Hey guys!

So we finally have an stable version of the Tanks Online game we did as a project!

Reminder: This game is not ours entirely, we got the game, then customized some stuff such as 3rd person camera, aim freely, visual filters, power ups, respawning, and most importantly a multiplayer capability we learned at the Unity Roadshow about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Here’s a video showing some gameplay:


We had been testing the game on Ken’s class, it has been fun and it’s looking real different from the first version, Hermes freaking rocks!

While testing we detected some bugs and errors in general, Hermes then fixed it and also added some stuff. We also noticed how the game becomes less stable the more people enters a game, so let’s say it’s a good 1v1.


Project – Demo

WSQ – 06

--Originally published at chozaoop

Whoops, forgot to upload this one.

The WSQ is about making a Greatest Common Divisor or GCD for short.

Early java assigments in which we had to expore how to give a responsibility to a class.

If i can remember, Cesar Augusto, Cesar Cortez and me joined as a team to make this WSQ so we basically have the same code, we worked together to find out how could we solve this, it was kinda simple, first we make the calculus and logic on a blank paper then we translated it to Java.

Here’s a snip from the code:

WSQ – 06WSQ – 06

First we initialized the varibles n and result. No constructor needed, we have a single class which basically does everything, add the x and y parameters. Enter a while loop in which it makes the whole GCD process which i can’t clearly recall right now, or increment the value of n, return the result and that’s what it’s print.

Made a new instance called gcd, used it trying 50 and 78 and evidently the GCD is 2.

Again, as a team we decided to only upload it to Cesar Augusto’s Github, so there it is.

WSQ – 06

Course Review – OOP

--Originally published at chozaoop

We are finally here, the last two weeks of the semester. It has been fun, difficult and with many decisions. One of them was taking the OOP course with Ken.

I see a lot of potencial in this course, Ken implemented this “Choose your own grade” mechanic, in which we (based on what we learned and what we did) choose what you deserve as a grade.

This is an interesing idea, yet, it happens that a lot of students lie about their grades, or choose to never attend the class since you cannot fail by absences, bad idea, we do talked about OOP concepts in class, not always as a lecture, but as a blog post in which we had to investigate by ourselves or by making a team and then begin to gather information from different sources. This information was later evaluated as an exam, Ken also (based on a rubric) asked what we deserved as a grade.

Not every assignment on the course was about practical Java code, there was also theoric stuff we had to learn by watching videos on and a project which had to involve us learning some object-oriented programming. In our case we chose to learn about Unity.

The course Ken is teaching is not about learning Java, it’s about learning OBJECTS, also we were taught that we have to be in control of our own learning, investigating concepts by ourselves, how the social interaction can be useful and that we have to document our own progress and experiences in a blog, so then we can share it once we become sucessful.

I liked the course, despite what other students might say. I see potential in this way of teaching/learning but it needs to fix some things, i really liked how we had to work as a team to learn this concepts, we did this only in 2 classes if i can recall. Would have liked a couple more of lectures, even if the other students don’t pay enought attenttion. Would have liked more guidance in doing the practical WSQ’s (kinda my fault by not asking Ken). The Lynda videos were great, the flexibility of the course was great, the BEEP-BEEP in the classroom was annoying, but overall it was a good course.

Course Review – OOP




Course Review – OOP

Course Review

--Originally published at diegotc2016

I think this course was a lot more different than the Programming Fundamentals course. The first two partials were kind of easy, I just needed to learn some new concepts that with the help of and Stackoverflow were really easy to find and learn it. The tough part came when we applied those new concepts in the project, my project isn’t finished yet, because I was working with some youtube video tutorials and the tetris series isn’t done yet. In spite of the proyect not being done, I’ve learned a lot new stuff. My team also made a Buscaminas proyect which is done, but it was kind of easy so we decided to make the Tetris too.

Here’s a youtube video of me last semester talking about how Ken’s class:

Course Review

Project update

--Originally published at finntc2016

As we decided to change our idea, we where working on a complete different project: An app for your phone that makes it possible to scan QR codes in order to gain points, which you can use as coupons. We’ve been using Android Studio.

Project update Project update

Some little functionalities still don’t work, like the embed QR code scanner and some other methods. But we’re pretty proud of the working score system and that every activity is done.

This video shows the app functionality:

Project update

Project update

--Originally published at finntc2016

As we decided to change our idea, we where working on a complete different project: An app for your phone that makes it possible to scan QR codes in order to gain points, which you can use as coupons. We’ve been using Android Studio.

Project update Project update

Some little functionalities still don’t work, like the embed QR code scanner and some other methods. But we’re pretty proud of the working score system and that every activity is done.

This video shows the app functionality:

Project update

WSQ13 – James Gosling

--Originally published at finntc2016

This WSQ is about James Gosling, “the father of Java programming language”. You can find the interview I watched here.

At early age he started to be interested in programming when his father showed him an old computer. Noticing that the focus in technology changes from hardware to software gave him the idea to develop Java. I find it fascinating how Java started as someting so simple and then revolutionized our modern world. Almost all modern computers depend on Java.

I also found the conflicts with Google interesting, not willing to pay a licence for using Java.

WSQ13 – James Gosling

WSQ12 – Ward Cunningham

--Originally published at finntc2016

I’ve watched the interview of Ward Cunningham, who developed the first wiki and contributed to the development of Eclipse.

Since I myself am a great fan of Wikis I’m really impressed by this guy. Wikis are a perfect way to supply and manage information, content is easy to edit, hyperlinks make it a fluent experience and many wiki engines are open source which makes it even more awesome.

Ward Cunningham is a real inspiration. You can really say he made the world a better place, making it possible to share knowlegde easily for everybody over the world.

WSQ12 – Ward Cunningham

My experience with Unity

--Originally published at Social coding

Unity was a great way to learn object oriented programming, because everything you use is a object and have attributes and methods(the actions they can do).
For example: a tank has a color, a width, a length, a hitbox and a camera that follows it. Also it has actions like moving, shooting, aiming and the power ups.
Also it was a fun process, we went to a Unity conference.

My experience with Unity

Where they show us some games that are being developed in the country with unity. Something that I don’t like about the gaming developers community is that some of them are great at coding but make games that look so boring that no one will play them. There was one game they showed that had a horrible idea but was very polished and look good. It is strange, but there was one of zombies which look very promising. Also there was an example of a micro transaction based game which name is Tacomania or something like that, it was the top seller of the iOS app store of November.
Also we had a lot of fun at testing the game, the bugs were so random that we always had a good laugh. Also Chava always lost at the game lol
It was a good experience, in which I have learned a lot.

My experience with Unity