Week 3 (1): Meet me in the woods tonight.

--Originally published at Ce qui est chouette

This past week we worked on new levels, progressing through them, storing them locally and fixing some bugs. On Tuesday we had a small review with our professor, Ken, to see how we were going; both parties ended up agreeing we were doing fine, but should delegate a bit more of the responsibilities that pertain to the project.

Week 3 (1): Meet me in the woods tonight.
Meeting by Rikard Wallin on Flickr under a CC License.

Onto the deliverables

We generalized text elements to be included in the JSON representation of the map, to not include hardcoded text server-side. We fixed some problem we had with flags messing up the end-of-level and kept the player from progressing to the next level. Now we store the JSONed level in a global variable to reload the level browser-side whenever the player fails to complete the level and falls victim to a cruel trap put there by us, yes, us, the developers who inherently despise them. But hey, the server receives less requests now Week 3 (1): Meet me in the woods tonight.

– A reviewed dude.

Week 3: Let’s actually store some stuff

--Originally published at Ce qui est chouette

This week we’ll be developing the web application’s integration with a database. What the database will contain is the design of the levels as a JSON—by storing the coordinates of each element by groups—and the leaderboard of scores associated to a named user—maybe with an arcade style 4-letter select-screen. Because inside It’s not raining we’re dealing directly with JSONs, our database will have the same format.

Week 3: Let’s actually store some stuff
Arcade by Jared Zimmerman on Flickr under a CC License.


As of now we’re thinking of using MongoDB as our database, and we found mLab to be our best option for hosting a MongoDB instance, as it is hosted as-a-service and it has a pretty juicy free-tier offer.

And some more stuff . . .

There are some bugs that need fixing and in-game progress that needs to be reflected by advancing to another level after reaching the goal (yep, this still isn’t done, but it wasn’t really part of the core of the game).

– module.exports = { author: Arturo Fornés };

Week 2 (1): Now that’s a milestone.

--Originally published at Ce qui est chouette

This past week was our first delivery, we reached the first milestone of the project, and with it, the first sprint came to an end. This milestone consisted of having a playable demo of the game, with basic physics, an enemy, a goal, structures—walls, floor— and a level loader. Most of these are self explanatory, except, maybe, for the level loader. The focus of this was to receive a JSON object specifying the location of the structures, the enemies, the goal and the player for a level loader method to receive and upon which build the level.

Week 2 (1): Now that’s a milestone.
Power Sprint by Kenneth Barker on Flickr under a CC License.

In regards to management, we’re getting used to using the issue tab in our Github repository to keep track of who’s doing what, and are trying to chip in the comments for suggestions and clarification. In the Gitflow front, we’ve secured the branch master so that it has the latest fully playable version of the project and no one can mess with it without having their mess approved by another member of the team.

Contrary to popular belief, we are not planning a mutiny, Gerardo.

– A scallywag.

Week 2: Loading . . .

--Originally published at Ce qui est chouette

After the marathonic run of the first week, which was clearly the first—not the second—, we’ll continue at a more leisurely pace along with testing, as we’ll have more testable code, with developing a level loader by integrating a database and more HTTP verbs and all that web stuff.

Week 2: Loading . . .
Constructions by Ivan on Flickr under a CC License.

This week I’ll be working on loading levels from a JSON so that in future weeks we can focus on storing levels as JSONs somewhere off in a database by the beach, perhaps next to an ice cream shop . . . or at least someplace where they sell Cornettos.

– Man I really crave a Cornetto right now.

Week 1 (1).pdf : Basic Game Mechanics

--Originally published at Ce qui est chouette

This week flew by fast, and so did progress of the project. This week on code, I left the basic game movements ready, movement, jumping and gravity, collisions, and the hardest, wall jumps; now all that’s left is some enemies, level design and testing the API. This can be found in our public Github repository, in which we’re using the good’l Gitflow Workflow—at least I’m trying to get the team on board with the basic feature/develop/master. I’m also attempting to get them to write out descriptive commits, with a title and description, so that in case of a metaphorical fire, we’ve got a metaphorical little fire fighter.

Week 1 (1).pdf : Basic Game Mechanics
Diagram on Atlassian under a CC License

There’s a live demo—and here’s where we’ll be hosting the game unless we need some processing power—hosted using Heroku. Now that I’m on the topic of platforms, let’s get into frameworks, I tested p5.js with p5.playplayed—hehe—around with the physics, and we decided we’d be sticking with for the long run. For testing purposes I suggested Chai, but Miguel later discovered a more complete ensemble for testing in Javascript including Chai, Mocha, Nook.

The game’s name hasn’t changed, It’s not raining, and I haven’t got an umbrella, because I don’t need it, as it’s not raining. So I guess I’m fine.

– The guy who hasn’t the need for an umbrella.


What I did this week (january 15)

--Originally published at Hermes's Blog

This week I worked in setting up the api server. As today (january 20) we have the server up and running with signup and login methods, hashing the passwords. We have mocha tests passing. We wrote the code first and then I started searching for the test framework, but from now on we will start doing test driven development. We will define all the routes we want, what they should they do and how do we expect them to behave (errors, validations, status codes, etc.).

This is the repo for the backend: https://github.com/Web-Moviles-Spring18/Web. I will change the main branch from master to develop (a new one) and tell my team to start using gitflow (maybe I’ll have to tell them to learn it first, I’ll give ’em this tutorial: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow).

We still don’t have anything for the Android app, but I really, really want to experience using kotlin.

Week 2 Objectives: The start of something new

--Originally published at That Class Blog

Hold up just a second. Before doing anything at all, let’s think about where and how are we going to develop the project.

Week 2 Objectives: The start of something new
Original photo by Pal Sol (CC BY-NC-ND). https://www.flickr.com/photos/pal1/22268106872

Let’s select a workspace and a framework before we developt anything.

We firstly need a GitHub repo and implement good practices of version control.
EDIT: The repo is up now!

Arturo did suggest p5.js. A library that has quite some functions for 2D graphics, including physics, liquids and particles. So I guess I will start practicing and getting to know p5.js. I want to play with physics!!!

Miguel Angel Montoya Zaragoza
Esperanto enthusiast

Week 1: The gang does some research

--Originally published at Ce qui est chouette

const assert = require(‘assert’);

Wow wow wow it’s here. First week. We have some things to do in this space of time. Let’s get to it. On the menu, as an aperitive I’ll be looking at frameworks for browser-based game development that hopefully include sprite rendering and a bit of physics, for the main dish, a smoked unit testing module for NodeJS with garlic.

Week 1: The gang does some research
Dinner by Renis Traidas on Flickr under a CC License.

As of now, I’m thinking of the following technologies and will be trying them out—will post more about that at the end of the week.


p5.js is a Javascript library that aims at making drawing code accessible, with a wide range of functionality in the software sketchbook variety. I’m interested in p5 because of some additional libraries its community provides, mainly p5.play which, SURPRISE SURPRISE, has 2D Sprite management and 2D Physics. I’ll be making a very simple movement demo by the end of the week with some squares.

Unit Testing in NodeJS

I don’t really have any candidate for this aspect . . . by the end of the week I aim at having one. Looking for some mock HTTP Requests and Unit testing for the p5.play library, mock some collisions for the 2D Physics, this last one I could develop from scratch with a simple assert—I think NodeJS had an Assert method.

Anyway . . .

Week 1: The gang does some research
Reading by Eugene Kim on Flickr under a CC License.

That’s what this week will be all about, catch you later.

– assert.equal( theAboutGuy( ), me( ) ) .

Is it raining? No! It’s not!

--Originally published at That Class Blog

I have a course team! And a brand new project that will defeat all previous projects!

What is this new project’s name, you ask?


It’s not raining

The names might be just a working title, it was kind of a joke

Is it raining? No! It’s not!
Original photo from Fabrizio Angius (CC BY-NC-ND) https://www.flickr.com/photos/hippydream/4751762526

And, like in the photo above, our project will not have not a single drop of rain.

What it will have is a fun browser-based game that will not use any kind of plug-in because if Adobe and Oracle don’t even care for the support for their products, why should we? (Well, in fact, even if they did, we wouldn’t use them. Nobody uses them now. Nobody wants to).

The game will, basically, be a platformer with timer and a number of obstacles and maybe enemies. The score will be stored in an online leaderboard. We talked about maybe doing some drag-n-drop technology so we could let the players design their levels, and then compete with their friends and stuff. They could even download a level to text translation and share it with their friends.

My partners for the development for this new project are:

Let’s hope everything goes well.

Miguel A. Montoya
Esperanto Enthusiast

Note App project

--Originally published at Hermes's Blog

Our project for the semester will be a note keeper app, this app will keep track of the notes you’ve writen as well as its classification and share these notes with other users.

Note App project

First Mockup

Our note app will have the advantage that you will be able to take a photo from some text and it will extract the text from the image and put it in a note (The image will need to be clear and also be text in its most part). Imagine that a professor wrote something important in the board and then, instead of writing it down by yourself you can take a picture of the board and then have it automatially converted in a note, now you are able to share it with others.

This app will be developed by Francisco, Marco, Estefy and me.

We will be developing in native Android, and will (provably) use the Android OpenCV library and tesseract to perform the text extraction, we will create a nodejs server to share the notes. We’ll test our app following the recomendation of the android developers website.