Cryptography 101

--Originally published at Computer security

As I mentioned on my previous post a safe measure to protect any important file is by means of encryption, but most people don’t know how to do this or donn’t even what encryption is, so to enlighten all the people in the dark on encryption matter I wrote this useful post.

What is encryption?

Encryption is the practice or procedure of cryptography, and this is a simple procedure which uses an algorithm with certain patterns or key that transforms a message without changing it and turns it into an alphanumeric string that is not possible to understand without the possetion of the the original key  that will be able to return it or translate it into the original message.

There are different encryption techniques, some may ve safer or more complicated to perform and they all return a structured form, in the future it is expected that the resultant key of this method should be extensive and complicated to crack as this would take to long amd to much effort of decrypting power and thus it would deemed safer.

The most popular cryptography algorithm at hte moment is the Blockchains encryption, this is because of its efficiency and facility of use, this works by dividing all of its elements in blocks, as the name should suggest, each block is encrypted differently so that all parts of the structure can not be identified and similarly can not get the original, each key is based on a principal key and this mathematically changes to avoid problems.With this technique the effectivness of the security is assured, all files encrypted with this algorithm can be cosidered as safe as they can possibly be, that is why this is what they used to create the popular bitcoins that have gained so much fame in the recent years, surely

Resultado de imagen para cryptography memes
can understand why.

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Software encryption programs as of late have been more prevalent than hardware solutions today. As they can be used to protect all devices within an organization, these solutions can be cost effective as well as easy to use, upgrade and update. Software encryption is readily available for all major operating systems and can protect data at rest, in transit, and stored on different devices. Software-based encryption often includes additional security features that complement encryption, which cannot come directly from the hardware, so by having this kind of tool in your repertoire you assure a more efficient way of stroing or send your files.

If you want to understand more about the basics aspects of this subject see the following video.

Hope to see you soon!