How Cyber Seurity affects you

--Originally published at Computer security

So why should we know more about Cyber Secutity?

I bet that this a question that most of you have in your mind at the moment, after all one may think that this kind of things takes to much effort and is very complicated to understand so it isn’t worth the trouble for an ordinary person , but believe me it is worth it, at the current era that we are living in to know about this things its a necessity, let me explain why.

First off, we should start with what is cyber security, cyber security can be defined as the protection of any computer or informative system for any possible threats to its well being, this includes hardware, software and data protection, all this things are almost indispensable in our every day lifes if we want to be a part of todays society, so it is in our best interests to keep them as secure as possible, after all we don’t want our personal belongings or personal information to be taken and used for any stranger’s bad intentions or personal agenda.

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One normally thinks that this kind of threats can only happen to important figures or public persons of our society, but this isn’t the case, a normal person like you or me is also vulnerable to this kind of things, after all we both use the Internet every day and that is enough to be in risk of a cyber attack. It only takes a click on a web page that you should not be in or a bad privacy configuration on a social network, maybe you downloaded an app of dubious origins and all your privatel information, bank accounts, all that you have stored in the web may be at risk, so you should be in alert

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all times when you go to a new site you haven’t been into before, and also you should take the necessary precautions beforehand specially if you have the intention of introducing any type of information in this new page.

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The amount of information on the network is overwhelming and some of this information is so important and is less secure than we think, because nothing is really safe on the Internet, everything can pose as a threat. This means, information from the government, corporations and banks is not safe, and you shouldn’t trust in their privacy or security systems, after all everything is vulnerable in the digital world. Nowadays, the world is interconnected more than ever before, this maybe be because of the big trends and directions that technologies are taking, the Internet of things for example. But as much facilitation and advantages these technologies bring to the table, we are exposing ourselves more and more to the cyberspace, so one should take the necessary measures if you want to be at least somewhat safe.

So if you ask me what one must do if he wants to be somewhat safer is the following:

  • Use an anti-malware or anti-virus software for all your devices, this won’t protect you a 100% of the time but at least it will give you a hint of how much your information is exposed and will tell you when a certain malware is detected.
  • Don’t set easy and short password and definitely don’t use the same password for all your accounts, that is one of the worst things you can do if you want to secure all your personal data, at least it should be 12 characters long and try to use the most special key cases that you can, include upper and low cases to add difficulty.
  • Do not connect to any open Wi-Fi network, you can’t imagine the amount and kind of threats that are present in this connections, every type of malware could access your device if you are connected in one, so avoid the at all cost.
  • Encrypt all the files that you deem as important, if you don’t want any stranger seeing something important you should take the extra measure and ecrypt this so that only you and people of your choosing can see them.
  • And the most important of all things, do not trust all there is in the Inernet, you must not give your banking acount to that Nigerian prince, you must not order that miracle seed or medicine that will make you more handsome or help you get laid, please avoid doing a stupidity at all cost.

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Take this measures and you and the world will appreciate it, remember every action that you take has its consequences for you and everyone around you, help this world be a better and safer place by doing your part, if you want more information on the matter see the following video:


See you in the next post!