Hey wait, that was supposed to be private

--Originally published at Mr. Robot's Imaginary Friend

The ethics are a really important factor when it comes to the computer security because they often have access to confidential and knowledge about users and companies’ networks and systems, so obviously that power can be abused even unintentionally , would you like all your information or the informations from your bank account spread all over the internet?

It is amazing that most of the jobs from this area of  IT don’t really need a training, in fact most of them don’t even realize that their job involves ethical issues, and the training they get is only focus on technical knowledge.

There are known histories about “black hat” hackers, this is a term used to refer the hackers who use their skills to break into systems and access data without permission of the owner, I will talk about this subject in another blog, who got jobs in big companies by showing them how does they attack them and where their security is failing, this in my opinion comes in a little of a gray area.

When do we establish the line? What’s wrong? What’s right?

By this time, we all know about the big scandal about NSA having access to all our information, conversations, emails, etc, that we have online or we at some point send, this obviously with purpose of trying to keep the citizens save, but this is really the way? I mean they have so much information at their disposal that is almost impossible to actually go through all that data.


Another type of ethical problem that the persons in charge of the computer security have to deal with is the budget, what would you do if your boss tells you to cut off some of the security measures that you recommended and this will cause that

of the client’s sensitive information will be at risk, what would you do in this situation?

The ethics behind this is not as other professions that have been established for so much more time, security professionals deal with ethical issues that have not been codified into law nor is there a standar mandatory oversight body or some institution that has established a detailed code of ethics. However this is changing in this last years with some of the first laws to regulate this.