Ward Cunningham

--Originally published at Orientierteprogrammierungobjekteundetwasmehr

This post is about my thoughts on the Triangulation Chapter 239, where Ward Cunningham is interviewed. He is the inventor of the wiki, he contributed to the development of Eclipse Ward Cunninghamand Relic and is part of the Smalltalk community.

Wikis are the biggest knowledge source in the world, where anyone can write, read and edit any publication. Extreme Programming is a methodology for agile software development where there is more emphasis in adaptability  than predictability.

Ward CunninghamThe interview showed me how a simple man can make a huge contribution to humanity, such as wikis; where people share their knowledge just to make that knowledge public for everyone, and how we can work together for a better society.


Ward Cunningham

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

--Originally published at diegotc2016

The video is about Ward Cunningham which is a very important person in the world of computing. He’s very known because he invented the “wiki” and developed part of ecllipse and small talks.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

The video is about a guy who is interviewing Cunningham and hje basiclly talks about how he created wiki and some other important technology advances.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

--Originally published at diegotc2016

The video is about Ward Cunningham which is a very important person in the world of computing. He’s very known because he invented the “wiki” and developed part of ecllipse and small talks.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham

The video is about a guy who is interviewing Cunningham and hje basiclly talks about how he created wiki and some other important technology advances.

WSQ 12 – Ward Cunningham