Masterie: CRD cards

--Originally published at Alan TC201

CRC cards are a way to se program object orientated.

Masterie: CRD cards

CRC cards are 4 by 6 index cards used in the design of object oriented
programs.  The initials CRC stand for “Class, Responsibility and Collaboration”.
Normally, a significant program written in an object oriented language like Java
is divided into several different classes.  These classes cooperatively work
together to accomplish the goals of the program.

Masterie: CRD cards
It can be difficult to understand how to divide a program into separate
classes, and how to divide a given class into separate methods. CRC cards help in this design process and organize in a very schematic way.

Masterie: CRD cards

This video explains everything in an easy way to understand.

Masterie: CRD cards