
--Originally published at My Home

In the programming world there is a lot of situations that could make your code to don’t know what to do… that’s why we nest in the code.

Nesting is puting a lot of conditional in one single code so the code can respond in more efficient way.

Here, have an example:

(This example is funny because you can actually see that it was made on the library by someone in tec?.)

Basically, nesting is to use a lot of conditinals to make more specific your code.

For Loops

--Originally published at My Home

I haven’t blog on a while, so I may be rusty in some skills; however, I still need to work so for now I’m gonna show how the For Loops are made.

It isn’t really that complicated…

Actually it’s really simple.

You state that you are about to use “for”, then add a variable to that “for”, define a range, or even a list and well that’s pretty much it…

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And if you got lost, you can use this tutorial. #ForLoops #Python3 #TC101

Prepare for trouble and make it double pt.2

--Originally published at My Home

This blog is made with Juan Montero and Daniel Arrieta #TC101?

When you are in trouble trying to make a function in Python you can use the libraries and the modules?

Because when there are important functions in Python requiring a different variable, requiring a already installed library in Python. You can use the following page to know some of them:

which leads to put the function in the code, for that you just put:

Import *library*

And just print it.  #ImportLUL


Now there is the continuation of what we talk earlier in this post, to create a module you just create the function you are going to use and define it?

And well just import it really .-. it is really simple.



Unfortunately this blog is done so until next time, Juan and Daniel out. #Salebai


Comments and Input

--Originally published at My Home

Whaaaaaat? second entry already? Well I’m Batman so I can do as I please.


Let me show you how comments and Inputs can be used in Python.Comments

The only thing you need to know is how to put “#” in your keyboard as simple as that; then you can write whatever you want in that line. Now you can organize your code easily. Is in it just great??

Now, as you can see I also put the command “input” in the code. Why? Because that way you can let the user type and interact with the code my friend, that’s why. #Python #TC101 #Meme #Comments #Input Example of Input

First steps

--Originally published at My Home

After several days of not blogging I finally have the courage to do it, the first classes I had no idea what the hell I was doing… So I just checked the course main page to see what others had done so far.

After a while I concluded that I should probably post the first entry of my blog, so to get started with this I screenshotted  my first code… Hello World. #WOW #Hackerman #TC101 #PythonHelloWorld