History of Artificial Inteligence

--Originally published at Edwing Yair Ulin Briseño

In 1936 Alan Turing published his paper called “On Computer Numbers”. In this paper Alan laid the four pillars of computing which later became known as the Turing Machine. What Alan always wondered was, how to define machine intelligence. With this he created the Turing test. Which consists of a person and a machine, with an evaluator asking open questions and the evaluator must determine who is the machine.

Example of the turing test.

En teoría se puede dividir a la Inteligencia Artificial en diferentes Capas las cuales son:

How does a machine learn?

The first thing is to know how humans learn.

  • Classical conditioning is the simplest form of learning known. This type of learning was discovered by the Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, when he was studying the digestive processes of dogs. Pavlov noticed that dogs began to salivate in anticipation of the presence of food.Pavlov conducted numerous experiments based on these observations and thus developed a conditioning methodology he called classical or response conditioning.

From this we can know what happens in the neuron when it learns:

For example in the following image we have the model of a neuron with its input and output impulses. In our life we learn by means of Pavlov’s learning model of conditioning by means of positive and negative reinforcement. In the neuron you can see that our senses play a very important role in the learning of the neurons. If you notice there is an empty square at the entry points of the neuron these represent the memory in which there is no memory with fire. So the eyes see something bright, the nose smells toasty, our touch feels something strange, and there is no memory. So the most normal thing will be to want to touch it, what

Continue reading "History of Artificial Inteligence"

Cara Daftar Akun Judi Sabung Ayam Online Sv388

--Originally published at SV388 | SITUS SV388, BANDAR AGEN JUDI S1288 24 JAM

Cara Daftar Akun Judi Sabung Ayam Online Sv388. Whatsapp bro, kali ini admin akan memberitahukan kepada kalian tutorial cara daftar akun judi sabung ayam online, penasaran seperti apa caranya ?., Yuk langsung saja simak ulasan admin svv388 berikut ini.

Berikut adalah sebagian cara untuk bermain dan cara Daftar web sv388 sabung ayam yang mampu anda cobalah bersama dengan mudah. Permainan sabung ayam di di dalam web sv388 telah dikenal dan miliki banyak pelanggan serta pemain, itulah mengapa kami benar-benar menganjurkan anda untuk bermain di situ judi ini, sebab kami percaya keuntungan yang bakal anda mampu mampu menyebabkan anda betah.

Berikut Ini Empat Cara Langkah Daftar Main Sabung Ayam Online

1. Kunjungi situs penyedia permainan

Sebagai langkah yang paling awal, kamu wajib lebih dulu masuk ke situs sv388 sebelum memulai semuanya. Ini merupakan situs sabung ayam online di mana nantinya kamu dapat bermain di sana, maka dari itu tetap pastikan kamu sudah benar masuk ke situs sv388 dan jangan hingga salah karena tentunya aka nada juga situs sejenis yang tersebar luas di internet dengan mutu yang kemungkinan tidak serupa jauh dari sv388.

2. Daftar / registrasi akun

Anda bisa saja udah dulu berkunjung ke atau sekedar melihat ke di dalam web site sv388 untuk mengerti apa saja yang ada di sana, namun yang pasti kamu tidak dapat sanggup bermain judi sabung ayam online di web site sv388 kecuali kamu belum terdaftar sebagai member di sana. Ini adalah perihal yang lumrah mengingat nyaris seluruh web site judi online tetap mengharuskan para pengunjung barunya untuk sanggup mendaftarkan diri khususnya dahulu sebelum saat mengawali permainan.

Ini bermakna kamu juga perlu terdaftar secara formal sebagai member di web site sv388 untuk sanggup bermain di dalamnya. Jadi segeralah daftarkan diri kamu dengan isikan formulir registrasi layaknya yang ada di web site sv388, untuk mengisinya pun sangatlah Continue reading "Cara Daftar Akun Judi Sabung Ayam Online Sv388"

On Blogging

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

After reading Ana’s Blog I realized how blogging can become part of our life. It is a tool we use to share our experiences with people we don’t know, but it also can be a place where we are free and can express everything we have inside of us. My personal experience with bloging isn’t as big as Ana’s, but it has been evolving since day 1.

Something important to mention is that my teacher Ken Bauer has given me classes in 4 different semesters, each one has been a little bit different. First semester I had to create a blog for the course and I wasn’t thrilled about it, but after a few days I started messing with the template I was using, the colours and I had a lot of fun doing that, it was a good first experience, at some time I even started using images and gifs to share everything I could about me in there.

In fourth semester I had my worst experience where my blog had to be in Blackboard, that was very boring and didn’t really reflect my personality.

Fifth and six semester were really similar, the thrill about blogging had mostly dissapeared. I enjoy some alone time with my blog, but I rather spend my time doing something else.

Chapters 6.1-6.2 (Team)

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

  • What two properties must be satisfied for an input domain to be properly partitioned?

Completeness and Disjoint. The first one is about how you have to cover every possibility, a resource you can is to use the keyword “other”, this will cover the other possibilities that don’t have that much importance. The second one is that your partitions don’t overlap with each other.

  • What is an Input Domain Model (IDM)?

Represents the input space of the system under test in an abstract way. It is described in order of the input characteristics. Consists of all the possible inputs that the program can take, and define the conditions associated with it, then defining the best IDM approach to deal with them.

  • What gives more tests, each choice coverage or pair-wise coverage?

Pair Wise Coverage, because each choice coverage only uses one value in at least one test case.

DevOps part 2

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

This is a continuation of the DevOps excercise, you can see the first part here where I talked about the definition of DevOps and the process of instalation of ArchLinux in my computer, as well as the setup of programming languages and git (I made a mistake and thought the first part was about this). Most of the things of this delivery area already in that post so this will be kind of short.

For the web deployment I selected a classic LAMP stack. Since 2013 MariaDB is Arch Linux’s default implementation of MySQL, the other parts about apache and php are self-explanatory.


After installing them I followed this tutorial to setup everything the right way, most of the steps are about modifying the configuration files and starting the services. And here are some screenshots proving that these services are working.







I hope my next post will be a little bit more interesting.




Chapter 5 discussion

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

1.- Some organizations in industry who adopt TDD report that it succeeds very well, and others report that it fails. Based on your knowledge of TDD and any experience you have, why do you think it succeeds sometimes but not all?

Test driven development is really dependent on the culture of the industry. If you try to take this approach, but you don’t develop your test seriously you won’t be able to succeed. To do this kind of development your tests cases have to be defined really well, in order to have high quality software; the validity of your tests play an important role as this allow you to do iterations of programming that get you closer to your final goal (avoiding to waste time).

2.- A few software organizations use test criteria and report great success. However, most organizations do not currently use test criteria. Based on your knowledge and experience, why do you think test criteria are not used more?

Because they don’t create appropriate test criteria and they try to get near 100% coverage, which is impossible and time wasting. It could also be the test they make are not in line with the functionality that they are trying to incorporate to their program and lose the focus of the project.


--Originally published at Hackerman's house

DevOps is a combination of software development and information technology operations.  It is basically a culture incorporated in companies to make software faster, thanks to the shortening of the systems development life cycle. It is important that the whole development team is integrated in this culture for it to work.


For this week we have a lot of things to do, the main task is to install linux and making sure that we have all the tools we need to develop and starting to use the DevOps culture.

The first thing I did was installing ArchLinux, this was kind of easy to do because my friends Sebastian Serna and Carlos Cabello helped me setting it all up, I learned some things thanks to them and I think I will be able to install ArchLinux in another computer without too much trouble. One funny thing is that Max tried installing it with the help of Sebastian but he had a problem where the network didn’t allow him to download all the files, so I did all of this outside the Tec.

Screenshot from 2019-03-03 22-16-17

I’m really enjoying the experience and I haven’t had that many problems installing the things I want. For this assignment Python was already installed and it is working just fine, and I installed Java 8 to use AndroidStudio and it is working as well.


To install a “Oficial” package you can use this command.


In the case the package is not “Oficial” you can use the ArchLinux User Repository (AUR), where you can download a compressed folder, extract it and open the console in that folder, then using the command makepkg and makepkg -i.

I already started setting up my git, and I am able to push changes to my repositories.


That is all for this blog, and Continue reading "DevOps"

Week 4 Plan

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

We didn’t have class this monday so we discuss the week 4 plan trough Telegram. This week we want to make sure the application is well defined, assuring that the goal of the project is clear and the requirements are well defined. This is why we have 3 main taks this week: Improve the prototype, review the requirements and continue the firebase investigation.

List of responsibilities

  • Improve the prototype (Francisco and Daniela)
  • Review the requirements (Oscar and Maximo)
  • Firebase Investigation (Everyone)

Resultado de imagen para firebase

Week 3 progress

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

This week we covered the goals set on monday. All of the members started researching a bit about firebase, we are not going to implement this yet, but we have some basic knowledge that we didn’t have before.

We started to develop the UI of the app in android studio, using as a model the mockup we previously did in proto.io.Mockup