Two Parts but Same Time
- Written questions (all the mastery topics). You will NOT write this before but must do this during the exam time.
- Your self-evaluations rubric (coming soon).
Exam Dates
These all use official dates published by the campus.
- TC1014 (Python) Group 90 (10am Monday/Thursday) final exam is Thursday November 24th, 10am-1pm
- TC1014 (Python) Group 91 (11:30am Monday/Thursday) final exam is Saturday November 26th, 11:30am-2:30pm
Final Rubric for Grading
You will fill this out in the exam, use this before the exam to think about it first.
Note that I will need to apply all the #SemanaI grades by multiplying our grade by 0.95 and adding the 5 points from that activity.
Final Exam by Ken Bauer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.