
Two Questions

Yes, just two. But the first one is rather large and the second one is deeper.

Exam Dates

These all use official dates published by the campus.

  • TC1014 (Python) Group 90 (10am Monday/Thursday) exam is Thursday September 15th.
  • TC1014 (Python) Group 91 (11:30am Monday/Thursday) exam is Monday September 12th.

Question One

Show that you understand the following concepts (applied to the language of your version of the course):

  • How do we create comments and why?
  • Explain the basic types and why there are different ones.
  • How do we do basic input and output (text)?
  • How do you call functions?
  • How do you define/create functions?
  • How do you import and use libraries/modules?
  • Explain conditionals and usage of if, else and elif
  • Explain the workings and use of while loops

Question Two

What should your grade (scale of 1 to 100) be for partial #1 in this course and why. This should be based on evidence that you have left here on this exam and in your blog posts about WSQs, quizzes, º and any other posts as well as participation in class and outside of class through comments on other blogs, Twitter and more.

Rubric for Question Two

I reworked the rubric from last semester and came up with the following guide, we will discuss this in class but you can also discuss on Twitter (with #TC101) or in the comments below.

TC1014 P1 Rubric – Sheet1

flickr photo by kalleboo shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by kalleboo shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

CC BY-SA 4.0 Partial#1 by Ken Bauer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.