Rescuing the semestre

--Originally published at Programming Fundaments

Soooooo… This topic was one I thought I would never have to deal with at college (Somehow I thought this) . But here we are (sadly..) Trying to rescue the semester

And this might be might you be asking; Well…. is basically to pass that class that you have been strugguling from the first partial. And it is NOT pretty. So having to rescue this semestre might be a task that most people will have to deal with. Some more that other…

Sooo how can you save the semester?? Simple.. Study for the final. And H.A.R.D. I hope everyone will save at least this semestre (or at least me)

Last day of iWeek but we are just getting started.

--Originally published at Code With Charlie

Today Friday was my favorite day, we took a introduction in video edition and creation with a lot of examples, sadly I had a lot of material so I still editing, later I will update it so you all can see it.

Thanks to Diego Zavala for the edition and creation course, go and visit his webpage for Diego).

Later we had another conference. Rebecca J. Hogue and Helen DeWaard talked to us about Digital Identity and things to do to keep safe all your data, I recommend you to watch the conference and remember guys if you want to build a web site buy your own Domain like me :).

How do you feel about your Social Networks?

--Originally published at Code With Charlie


By Luis Najera

In today’s lesson we review the type of use We give to our Social Networks using a diagram, in this case it looked like a graph, in the X axis it has the word Resident and in the left the word Visitor, in this case you can define yourself as a Resident or a Visitor. A Resident is the one who interacts with a lot of people and is an active member, in the other side a Visitor is that one who only uses his account to follow the track to friends and family or maybe to stalk but they do not publish that much. And in the upper part of the Y axis you have the word Personal and in the lower part you have the word Institutional. If you only use a specific social network for your work or your career you can consider it Institutional, but if you use it to establish social interaction you can consider it Personal.

If you have any question you can see the video below, in the video our Guests Autumm Caines and Dr. Bonnie Stewart explain us the process to make this diagram and they also talk about the digital identity.


My diagram is the next.

And also I interviewed my friend Rosa and asked her about her social networks.

Thanks For Reading

Luis Najera.

Requirements to Grow as a Person

--Originally published at Code With Charlie

To grow as a person you need to know your strengths and your weaknesses.

Why? The answer is very easy,  you need to know your weaknesses in order to fight against them and you need to use your strengths as tools to accomplish your objectives.

The first day Ken ask us kindly to make a list of 5 thing that you like or you are good at, 5 things you have problems with and 5 things you do no one else know.

It was deeper than I thought but in the end I found my 5 Strengths and Weaknesses.

Today we went into a iSafari, we went outside the Classroom and search for those keywords we identify with our analysis.

I will share my pictures.


Eduaction Picture


“I don’t love studying, I hate studying. I love learning. Learning is BEAUTIFUL.” Natalie Portman

The education is the best tool we can use to learn, I love all the Flipped Learning method Ken apply for all his clases, because he give us the motivation to learn by the method we want so we can really learn instead of only memorize all the stuff to approve one course.

Also some time ago I was a teacher and I loved it, in the future I will love to be a teacher again.

That is the reason I choose to take a picture with Ken.



One of the things I love is to help people. I try to be helpful every time, I love explaining other people what I know or help other people find what they need or what they want.

The Best leader is the one who can serve to anyone.



If there is an university in México where you learn to be both a hard worker and a successful

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