--Originally published at TC101 – Connecting is Learning
Videos on Demand
My flip classroom does not include many videos. I create a video at the start (well, usually the start) of each week for each course to let them know what’s going to happen that week and what they should focus on.
I much prefer video on demand which matches the style of my classroom being focused on what each individual student needs.
So I have two video requests so far (that I can recall, feel free to request more).
This one is about installing Python3 together with Cygwin on Windows. I have all of my students install a similar programming environment of editor/shell combination to keep my Linux/Mac/Windows users in similar setups. The pending video is a request for setting up PyGame with Python3 on Mac, perhaps I will get to that tomorrow.
I recorded this on Camtasia Studio for Windows (since the demo is on Windows) and then pulled the recording into Camtasia for Mac to do the editing. I use the Mac version more often so am more comfortable in that environment. I purchased education licenses for both Windows and Mac and highly recommend these packages if you go beyond what the free software options give you.
Feel free to make requests below in the comments or via Twitter by mentioning me in the Tweet.