Python3 and Mac

--Originally published at TC101 – Connecting is Learning

More Videos

Many of my students are using Mac OS X on their laptops so I offer this video on how to setup Python3 through Homebrew.


Some students want to program games using Python3 in our #TC101 course, this video tutorial should help.

More Videos?

Remember to request any tutorials that you would like.

flickr photo by Silveira Neto shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
flickr photo by Silveira Neto shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license


Windows, Cygwin and Python3

--Originally published at TC101 – Connecting is Learning

Videos on Demand

My flip classroom does not include many videos. I create a video at the start (well, usually the start) of each week for each course to let them know what’s going to happen that week and what they should focus on.

I much prefer video on demand which matches the style of my classroom being focused on what each individual student needs.


So I have two video requests so far (that I can recall, feel free to request more).

This one is about installing Python3 together with Cygwin on Windows. I have all of my students install a similar programming environment of editor/shell combination to keep my Linux/Mac/Windows users in similar setups. The pending video is a request for setting up PyGame with Python3 on Mac, perhaps I will get to that tomorrow.

flickr photo by betsyweber shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by betsyweber shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license


I recorded this on Camtasia Studio for Windows (since the demo is on Windows) and then pulled the recording into Camtasia for Mac to do the editing. I use the Mac version more often so am more comfortable in that environment. I purchased education licenses for both Windows and Mac and highly recommend these packages if you go beyond what the free software options give you.


Feel free to make requests below in the comments or via Twitter by mentioning me in the Tweet.


Week 03 – Wake Up

Yes, Wake Up

The natural flow of a semester is week one is settling in, week two is getting comfortable and week three is #OhMyExamsInTwoWeeks.  So this will be short (at late, my apologies).

Key Points

  • Be on time for class. Respect the others that do arrive on time please. There is no required attendance for this class but there is an expectation of contribution to the community learning. Attendance is important to create that community as well. Note that attendance plays a small part in your self grading rubric.
  • The Mastery topics are ALL the topics for the course, some were thinking I only released the work for a few weeks or the partial. Nope, that is everything (minimal, you should push to do more).
  • You should be blogging and getting comfortable doing it. Don’t just do the minimum (again, that point). Dig deep, find the details in multiple locations, look at other posts by your classmates (I admit that you will NOT have time to read them all).
  • Read OTHER students’ posts. Tell them thank you, comment on their blog and share a good post you find via Twitter using hashtag #TC101 or any other social media you choose to show others examples of good work.
  • Visit Ken in his office or somewhere not in class. This is part of your self-grading rubric. You should aim for at least once each partial and three or more visits in the semester. Can be about the course and often students talk to me about non-course material which is actually more important. Make an appointment via this link.
  • Be a student #AllTheTime but remember #LifeBalance. You should be constantly thinking about your studies, not just when “studying”. Your education is your life, your life is learning. Remember of course to have fun, get involved in other activities on campus and most importantly: help other people.


tldr: plus more video brings more emotion to the discussion. Also, live from Starbucks on campus.

flickr photo by Hugo Bernard shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by Hugo Bernard shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Comments? Questions?

Ask me in class, ask me out of class, ask others as well and come visit, I am here to help you learn and grow.



Week 02 – Get Moving

Time to Move

Okay, you’ve stretched out and are ready for the semester. Remember this is a learning processed driven by each student individually but within a group context including myself the instructor. This is what you should be thinking about:

  • Do you have your Blog setup with an initial post? Perhaps you want to create a category for this course like tc101.
  • Do you have Twitter setup? Do you know how to search for and follow our course tag of #TC101
  • Not as crucial yet, but you should also have GitHub setup to use during this course and the rest of your career.
  • Now that you have those three setup, please go register those locations at this link.
  • You should be started programming in Python and following some resource that works for you to give you structure to your learning and meeting the mastery topics.
  • Remember to blog about each mastery topic as well as any other blogging idea that comes to you. Feel free to use your blog for non-course activities but if you do choose that, please let Ken know and dedicate a category (like #tc101) to your course posts.
  • You are responsible for your learning here but should be receiving meaningful feedback on progress and direction from myself as your instructor. Your goal should be (at least) three visits with Ken (inside office or outside, but outside class time). You can reserve time with Ken at this link.
  • Oh, have fun too.


flickr photo by knezovjb shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license
flickr photo by knezovjb shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

Video Version

Comments or Questions?

Please add comments or questions below this post or better: ask on Twitter.


Week 01- Welcome

Choose your own Adventure

Welcome to this semester and your class. This course may be different than others that you have taken before. Let me lay out a few key points for you.

flickr photo by Claudio Matsuoka shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by Claudio Matsuoka shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Please Ask

This course is about you, it may be confusing but we are not trying to confuse you on purpose, explore the content and always feel free to ask questions to your classmates, the instructor (Ken) or past students.

Starting Points

Continue reading “Week 01- Welcome”