Week 15 – Down Under

Week 15, Continue Those Exercises

Remember Ken is away for parts of November:

  • Class as usual on Monday October 31st (Halloween).
  • No class on Thursday November 3rd. Ken will be at the The 13th Annual Open Education Conference. You can see my schedule here, follow along on Twitter with #OpenEd16 and I will be blogging about what I did that week for the conference.
  • Classes as usual November 7th and 10th.
  • No class Monday November 14th and Thursday November 17th. Ken will be a keynote at the FlipCon Adelaide Conference in Australia.
  • Hmm, no class on the 21st since that is a holiday. That makes Ken said about no more classes with #TC101 in person.

Continue reading “Week 15 – Down Under”

Week 14 – Rescue Mode? I Hope not

Reblogged from my own blog

Post Conference Reflections

I was away for four days of classes last week but I left work for my #TC101 #TC1019 and #TC2027 classes. They shouldn’t miss my presence in front of the room since I’m not the focus of the class. Some of those students embrace that fact but some are still reaching to grok what I mean by this student-centred and flipped (in the sense of flipping roles) classroom.

I know, it is difficult, it is messy, but as my good friend (now I actually met her in person) Laura Gogia says it right on the title of her blog “Messy Thinking“. I was able to rename this blog to “Connecting is Learning” through her influence and that of many other amazing educators at (and not at but present through the wonders of Virtually Connecting) #OpenEd16 in Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Students are People

Continue reading “Week 14 – Rescue Mode? I Hope not”

Week 13 – Exercise

Week 13, Exercises

Remember Ken is away for parts of November:

  • Class as usual on Monday October 31st (Halloween).
  • No class on Thursday November 3rd. Ken will be at the The 13th Annual Open Education Conference. You can see my schedule here, follow along on Twitter with #OpenEd16 and I will be blogging about what I did that week for the conference.
  • Classes as usual November 7th and 10th.
  • No class Monday November 14th and Thursday November 17th. Ken will be a keynote at the FlipCon Adelaide Conference in Australia.

Continue reading “Week 13 – Exercise”

Week 12 – Magic Numbers

Week 12, Exams Still

We are in exam weeks (last week and this one) and then Ken will be away for three classes with you during November for two conferences. Please be sure to be pushing yourself as well as keep in contact with myself and your colleagues via Twitter, Slack and all other methods!

  • Class as usual on Monday October 31st (Halloween).
  • No class on Thursday November 3rd. Ken will be at the The 13th Annual Open Education Conference. You can see my schedule here, follow along on Twitter with #OpenEd16 and I will be blogging about what I did that week for the conference.
  • Classes as usual November 7th and 10th.
  • No class Monday November 14th and Thursday November 17th. Ken will be a keynote at the FlipCon Adelaide Conference in Australia.

Continue reading “Week 12 – Magic Numbers”

Week 10 – Double Digits

Yes, Ten

I’m leaving this behind to emphasise this. Please be active helping others and seeking help as well as sharing. That is indeed what learning is about. Let me share you an excellent video by Derek Muller (famous for Veritasium) but also an excellent educator. I share this often with other teachers but feel it is important to share with you as well. Please give it a view:

So we are half way through the semester and doing well. The rest of the semester continues focused on what each of you needs to work on as individuals and small groups. I will include the daily challenges (each class day) here below but first a few points:

Continue reading “Week 10 – Double Digits”

Week 09 – Midway Point

Half Done

So we are half way through the semester and doing well. The rest of the semester continues focused on what each of you needs to work on as individuals and small groups. I will include the daily challenges (each class day) here below but first a few points:

  1. Remember, this is student-centered learning, you need to drive the learning and ensure that I (and classmates) are helping you get what you need and pushing you to keep learning.
  2. Keep an eye on this page but even more important, be sure that you are watching our Slack Channel. You could install the app for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows Desktop, Mac or just check the course slack page once a day or so.
  3. I will keep posting to Twitter since it brings in outside perspective to our work and helps expose you to your growing Personal Learning Network. I invite you to do the same.
  4. I will release the Rubric for partial#2 later this week
  5. There will be more readings assigned that I suggest (based on request). As always not required but I will assign only readings (and/or videos) that I feel are appropriate and well written for you.

Continue reading “Week 09 – Midway Point”

Week 07 – Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker

This week we will be joined on Thursday by Dr. Cam Macdonell and he will talk to us about Python, GitHub and perhaps how to connect Python to Twitter.

You can read a recent article about how Cam worked with the Edmonton Public Libraries on a project with his computer science students.

Click image for original publication.
Click image for original publication.

This Week’s Tasks

Keep plugging away on your mastery topics, perhaps you want to look at the WSQ (Homework) assignments from last year to complete those?

Meetings with Ken

Remember that Ken has a very flexible schedule (there are those two words again) for you to meet with him outside of class as well as in class time. You can (and should 3 times per semester minimum) make an appointment to meet with Ken one-on-one. Use the scheduling system for that https://kenbauer.youcanbook.me/index.jsp

Weekly Video

Going to take a break on the weekly videos and see about creating the requested videos. I have requests so far for:

  • GitHub and how to use it
  • Ubuntu Bash shell for Windows 10
  • Any other requests? Contact Ken via Twitter using the hashtag #TC101

Have a Great Week!

Keep working on your deliverables and ask myself and your colleagues for help via Twitter, email or perhaps you could try the Slack that I setup for anyone with an “@itesm.mx” address.

What Happened to Week 06?

Good question….


Week 05 – Scheduling


One of the key reasons I create a flexible system of scheduling and submission of work in my course is to allow students the flexibility within their own schedule.

Of course, that flexibility can be dangerous for those not used to scheduling.

This Week’s Task

So you are all busy with exams but I think a great task for this week is to lay out a schedule for your work (blog posts for mastery, non-mastery posts, reading chapters or video topics). You can change plans along the way but it is useful to have a plan. I recommend you make a blog post about your plan for the semester in this course and setup a schedule via Google Calendar or another resource.

Meetings with Ken

Remember that Ken has a very flexible schedule (there are those two words again) for you to meet with him outside of class as well as in class time. You can (and should 3 times per semester minimum) make an appointment to meet with Ken one-on-one. Use the scheduling system for that https://kenbauer.youcanbook.me/index.jsp

Weekly Video

Have a Great Week!

Keep working on your deliverables and ask myself and your colleagues for help via Twitter, email or perhaps you could try the Slack that I setup for anyone with an “@itesm.mx” address.

flickr photo by DafneCholet https://flickr.com/photos/dafnecholet/5374200948 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by DafneCholet https://flickr.com/photos/dafnecholet/5374200948 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Week 04 – How are You?

Student Centered is about You

As is the case in any course, the students (and teacher) will adjust to each other as the semester moves on. How are you doing? Are you progressing in your growth in programming and in particular in Python3?

Have you visited Ken in (or out of) his office yet? That one-on-one communication is essential to a true student centered experience. You should aim to meet Ken at least three times this semester (so about once per partial). You can arrange to meet with Ken via this link: kenbauer.youcanbook.me

Continue reading “Week 04 – How are You?”