Chapter unknown

--Originally published at Programming Blog

Day 3:
Good way to start this blog, not by the very beginning but by the part where i needed something to corroborate with random people (or just none, reading this). In this blog I will only write about my issues with anything inside my life, for example: My ex right now, she drives me crazy, we spoke 2 days ago and i don’t know how should I take that talking (I was the one to take the chance and talk face to face), i still have feeling for her, and I don’t really know if she has feelings for me, I know I should go looking for an answer, but right now I don’t have the guts to do it, by the simple decision that i’m still not ready to accept a no, maybe it’s just me pressuring stuff, but I’m really liking this part, where I have no clue what she is thinking and speak by anything and just have a normal conversation like we used to have when we were a couple, we lasted over a year.
Most of my friends have told me to move on, and i believe i did move on, i learned my mistakes and learn to really appreciate what she was doing for me unconsiously, but thats because my lame past have tormented me with this, the reason of breaking up  i don’t have it, i guess we just made it toxic and start to push ourself to the crazy part, me ignoring her, she ignoring me (both feeling like crap), and in the end we just couldn’t, maybe I will let this part for other ocasion, but for now this is day 3. Although I’m not really sure if i will type every day, only every day meaningful worthy of typing, it’s more like a diary, concerning my ex, i really want to get back with her, for sure the loving part was really nice, also having someone to hold on, and be supportive 24/7, but mostly because she really helps me take the best to me, hopefully i was doing the same to her. I’m a little crazy for her, hopefully she doesn’t find this out, i made way too many damage by letter while we were in the process of broking up, so.. i’ve had enough of hurting her.