Classes to code

--Originally published at Computer Systems Engineering

We have invested all those time into making those diagrams but now how do we transform them into code?

Imagine we have our uml diagram that we want to make into java code:

We need to create those classes that we stated that we had, in this case we have 4 of them: Passenger, Train, TrainRide and Login. Each have their attibutes that we need to add to the class, plus the methods that we thought each of them should have. THen we alsoneed to consider the type of relationship each class have with one another, it could be a relation of composition or aggregation or some other type of relationship, all that we should correctly translate into the code, making a class an interface, the parent/son of another or just make it a normal class.

This is why we should thrive for better diagrams, if we make the perfect diagram then when we translate it, it will inevitably be good code because it has been well thought through, all the attributes are the right data type, they are all the necesary ones, the methods belong to the class that will hold them and also all the relationships in between the clases are the necesary ones to have comunication inside our program in the most logical and eficient way without compromising the independency of each component (that each class modifies its own attibutes and calls it’s own methods and not the other ones).
