Conditional IF

--Originally published at Waste your time

well if you dont know about this you can go with this dude luis-eduardo-falcon-10

he can teach you about this,  plus the good thing its that you can find him in the campus.

He is legend…… wait fot it… dary, Legendary!

I can try to explain you really easy so IF is use to  create true or false statemente so for example:

its like  if you already get laid more less than  4 times(assuming your not an ISC right) send losser, if is more than 4 send   Nice bro!

so the thing you wnat to do is you want to type:

Laid = int(raw_input(“Virgin: “) )

if Virgin >=  4

print”Nice Bro!”

if Virgin < 4

print”LOSER, you are probably an engineering”