Dr. Hello World or how I stop worrying and love python

--Originally published at Cheba's Vlog

So I was supposed to upload this blog like a week ago, but I am what some people call a lazy person. So I did my code as a good student:Hi world

What I found myself asking is why in the programming languages I have learned (which are two, if you are wondering) the first thing you do is learn how to print “Hello World”. So I did a little bit of research (I say a little bit because I only checked the first two results from Google); and I found that “Hello World” is used as the most basic task to test if a language works correctly. It is believed that the original text was “Hi” but was changed to “Hello World” because it has a bigger number of characters. It was interesting to learn something about the history of programming.

I consulted this website, if you want to read more about the topic:

The History of Hello World

And now you are wondering why I chose that jazzy title; it is because I love cinema and I cannot avoid making references to movies.