Hello World​! – Print

--Originally published at TC101 – Peaz Cooper

Well well well! First of all! Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you already have a “.py” file? No? Do you want one? Wanna create one? Why I never answered the duck question? Together we will learn the answers to these awesome and mind-blowing questions!

Since we are both new in python (at the moment) we need to start with the basics! The “Hello World” is a very common thing while learning this new programming language. I’ve always thought that the best way to learn something is to go step by step, even if it takes you way more time than the average student, you need to feel confident about what you have learned.

How to do it?

1) In order to print “Hello World” you just need to type:


2) In order to write something into your program you must use “input” this means that the code will print what the user inputs… literally. Then we can also add a loop… WAIT!! What the heck is a loop dude? Chill mate! A loop is a code that makes the program repeat the same part of the code in a number of times you desire! But we’ll talk about that later.


This is the only thing you need to know so far about the “print” and “input” so far…! We’ll make it further in another lesson, but as far as I can tell this is it for now.

If you follow these steps you’ll be coding like a bawse in no time!!!

#PeazCooperOut #TC101