I Love You, You’re Perfect… Now Change

--Originally published at Computer Systems Engineering

Let’s get started with the third chapter from the book.

In the chapter they mention the situation in which you biult a perfectly functioning aplication but after it is used it is required to change because now the client wants something different. The be like “hey remember that thing you did? yeah i want you to change everything, hope it’s okay”. This is you after hearing that:

giphy (4)

This is the reason why we should make code pretty, because when we need to modify it it will be 1000 times easier.

I was thinking about how many times my code is a mess because i just want to finnish it fast and forget to comment and clarify what things are what. Baiscally i set me up so that the next time i look at it i know absolutely nothing about how it works.


The thing is that, just how they mention in the book, software should be ready to change at any given time, be it because something should change or something must be added. When you writte good code you can use it again to build on top of it, it eventually saves you more time to be carefull and comment everything necesary than trying to be done with it and neglect those things. (I am guilty of that :/ )


On another note:

I also enjoy that the book has those kind of titles that could be something else, that apply to situations outside software engineering. Like, i love that you could learn another lesson in life by reading this particular title “I Love You, You’re Perfect… Now Change”. Somethimes we think that we are in love with someone and they are in love with us, but they just keep telling us how to be and behave, changing us

much that we are no longer ourselves and we realize it was fake love from the begining. It reminded me of the lyrics of this song:

Anyways, thats all for today. Hope you liked my thoughts and that you enjoyed the song 🙂