
--Originally published at Coding with jared

Range is a value given from a sequence, it s hard to explain but i´llt try. We have two sets of parameters, range(stop) and range(start, stop, step.


In the first one range stop, there are number of intgers to generate starting from zero.

And we have other range(start,stop,step)

the Start indicates the starting number of the sequence, the stop number indicates til which number to make a procedure, but it does not include that number, it is very important to take in mind that, it may be confusing at the beginning but it´s something to get use to., and at the end we have the step, which is the difference between each number in the sequence. Here are some requisitoss to remember, all of the parameters used in range must be integers (positive or negative it doesn´t matter).




Learned it from: http://pythoncentral.io/pythons-range-function-explained/