Solving Really Big Problems

--Originally published at Computer Systems Engineering

Let’s discuss Chapter 6 of the book, even if it is a big problem.

In the chapter they address how you are supposed to address big problems and they reveal the greatest of secrets: you do the same as with small problems.


It seems obvious but thats just how it is. With bigger problems you just need more information and more software and more everything.

Basically what you need to do is break down your bigger problem into more small problems that you can handle instead of trying to solve everything at once.

A good tool to help with this are, as always use cases. Using use case diagrams we can visualize the things that we need to  do in a better way and start addressing every part of the problem.

We are used to do only programs at a small scale at school but most don’t make super big applications like the ones we have to work on when we leave university. However, if we learn to approach and solve this small problems in a good way we will be able to do  it for bigger stuff.

About the project, i think we are still limiting ourselves because we keep thinking about the way to actually build it instead of focusing on the methodology that we should use to approach the problem.

That was all for this so …

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