
--Originally published at Quirino´s Projects

Made a TicTacToe in python


NOTE: I do not recomend using this code since indenting in wordpress is a hard task, instead, download it from my GitHub repo;


Juan Carlos Quirino Carrasco
Tried to do all functions as simple as possible
Maybe later i will do a more beautiful change_turn(),
user_input() and win(),tie()
You are free to user, change and everything, just dont
copy and present like yours, you can, but give credit
def table():
#this function creates a 3x3 table
- / - / -
- / - / -
- / - / -
board = []
for i in range(3):
return board
def print_board(board):
'''This function prints the board in pretty formated way'''
for column in board:
print ()
for i in column:
print (i, end=" ")
print ("\n")
This is incorrect since it would
print the same column 3 times
#print (" ", board_[i] , end=" / ")
#print (board_[i] , end=" / ")
#print (board_[i])
def win(board):
global turn
This function checks if someone wins
Must be called every time someone writes
a = board[0][0]
b = board[0][1]
c = board[0][2]
d = board[1][0]
e = board[1][1]
f = board[1][2]
g = board[2][0]
h = board[2][1]
i = board[2][2]
#Add to test for not being '-' DONE
''' 0 1 2
0 a / b / c
1 d / e / f
2 g / h / i
if \
(a == b and b == c and b != "-") or \
(d == e and e == f and e != "-") or \
(g == h and h == i and h != "-") or \
(a == d and d == g 
d != "-") or \ (b == e and e == h and e != "-") or \ (c == f and f == i and f != "-") or \ \ (a == e and e == i and e != "-") or \ (c == e and e == g and e != "-"): if turn == 1: turn = 2 else: turn = 1 print ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlayer {} wins!".format(turn)) return False return True def tie(board): a = board[0][0] b = board[0][1] c = board[0][2] d = board[1][0] e = board[1][1] f = board[1][2] g = board[2][0] h = board[2][1] i = board[2][2] if a != "-" and b != "-" and c != "-" and \ d != "-" and e != "-" and f != "-" and \ g != "-" and h != "-" and i != "-": return True return False def change_turn(): global turn global OXturn print_board(board) if turn == 1: turn = 2 OXturn = "O" else: turn = 1 OXturn = "X" def user_input(): # global turn # valid_inputs = ['Q','W','E', 'A','S','D', 'Z','X','C'] # u_input = input("Its player {} turn [] ... ".format(turn)).upper() if u_input in valid_inputs: if u_input == "Q" and board[0][0] == "-": board[0][0] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "W" and board[0][1] == "-": board[0][1] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "E" and board[0][2] == "-": board[0][2] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "A" and board[1][0] == "-": board[1][0] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "S" and board[1][1] == "-": board[1][1] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "D" and board[1][2] == "-": board[1][2] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "Z" and board[2][0] == "-": board[2][0] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "X" and board[2][1] == "-": board[2][1] = OXturn change_turn() elif u_input == "C" and board[2][2] == "-": board[2][2] = OXturn change_turn() else: print ("Please give a valid input") user_input() ''' 0 1 2 0 q / w / e 1 a / s / d 2 z / x / c ''' def instructions(): print ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis is a tictactoe game to play just type in your keyboard as described\n") print ("q / w / e") print ("a / s / d") print ("z / x / c") def game(): instructions() while win(board): user_input() if tie(board): print_board(board) if input("Its a tie\nWanna play again?(Y/N)").lower() == "n": break print_board(board) board = table() input_board = table() turn = 1 OXturn = "X" game()