Variables and lists… Interesting

--Originally published at Ricardo's Blog

I was learning about Python watching a video in youtube, and found out variables were acutally a thing, later I found out most of the programing languages (if not all) have variables in them. So I could make a sum, a substraction, multiplication or division with this program. Also I can assign values to letters or full words and ask it to add two words that have values (Ex. “mom + dad”) and get an answer depending of the values said words had.



Also, in the same video the explained how to use lists of things we may need, for example numbers and items. The lists always start counting from zero, so the first item I type in a list, the computer will make it item number zero. Like it shows in the image below. And also change the value for each item without having to delete or reset the whole list.



Here’s the video that helped me understand how to use variables and lists.

hank you for reading this article.

Have a nice day!